
Report an incident

Use the Report form to report an incident in writing. For other inquiries or support, please contact us using the information below.

Remote and in-person support is available. Appointments are recommended. Please email or leave a voicemail, and our team will get back to you.

Consult with Student Rights and Responsibilities

519-748-5220, ext. 3748
Office hours:
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Appointments outside of these hours and on campus are available by request.

About us

The Student Rights and Responsibilities Office (SRRO) aims to empower students and employees with conflict management strategies and reinforce procedural fairness and inclusive practices to advance equity at the college.

The SRRO applies a student development approach to support students and employees with:

Conflicts involving students
  • Conflict between two or more people (one of which is a student) that causes frustration or interferes with another person's ability to achieve their goal.
Disruptive student behaviour
  • Student behaviour that interferes and/or prohibits the ability of a faculty to teach, students to learn, or negatively affects the learning or working environment.
Barriers to access and inclusion (non-academic)
  • Suggestions to enhance accessibility and inclusion so everyone can participate fully at Conestoga. Typically related to college practices or operations that are beyond accessible learning accommodations and may require a collaborative response.
Bullying, harassment and discrimination
  • Action(s) or behaviour(s) that result in unfavourable, unwelcome, or preferential treatment of students related to the protected grounds in the Ontario Human Rights Code. Can be direct, indirect, or systemic and contribute to a hostile environment.
Procedural fairness
  • Concerns regarding fairness, consistency, or application of college policy and practice.