Health & Life Sciences Uniform Standards
2024/25 | Conestoga College
Health & Life Sciences
Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
Clinical/Lab Dress Code for all students
Cowan Health Sciences Centre and Lab Spaces
In absence of program specific requirements, the following guidelines apply:
Clinical/Lab Dress Code
In order to maintain all labs as safe professional spaces, appropriate dress must be worn. This dress code aims to ensure the safety of the student, faculty and staff and prepare for the clinical environment. The dress code is designed to comply with infection control procedures, workplace health and safety considerations and professional safety.
All lab areas are covered by this policy for all programs in the School of Health & Life Sciences. Non-compliance with this dress code will result in the person being asked to leave the lab area. If during scheduled lab time, this may result in a missed lab.
Dress Requirements
- Lab coat, scrubs or clinical dress as set forth by the program (should be neat and clean). Note: the Cross Centre for Simulation Learning requires full clinical uniform to be worn
- Closed toe, closed heel shoes as per Occupational Health & Safety requirements.
- Hair tied back, up and secured.
- No rings, necklaces or dangling earrings (A pair of studs may be worn and a plain wedding band may be worn)
- Nails should be kept neat and short; artificial nails and nail polish are not allowed.
- No hats to be worn (exceptions related to the Human Rights Code).
- No denim or sweatpants
- Nametags must be worn
- Scented products (perfume, scented aftershave, hair products) must not be worn.
- Personal hygiene products such as deodorant should be used but unscented.
- No gum chewing is permitted in clinical, lab or community settings.
Requests for accommodations of this policy (e.g. for religious or disability reasons) will be considered within the Conestoga College Policy or Human Rights framework.
Please be reminded that the labs are a clinical setting and, as such, the requirement for proper handwashing/hygiene is in effect. While every effort is made to maintain a latex-free environment in the clinical learning centre, students must be aware that the centre and clinical placement areas are not latex-free environments.
**Please note: Lab practice expectations including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), will follow College policies and will be described and demonstrated in detail, at the semester start.
Nursing and PSW Programs
Uniforms and Grooming Guidelines
As a Nursing or PSW student, your clients and their families see you as a member of the health care team. Your appearance can inspire confidence in your ability to care for them. Neatness, cleanliness, conservative makeup, jewelry, and safety considerations all help to create a look of competence, commitment and professionalism. It is your responsibility to maintain this appearance. If you choose not to do this, your Professor/Clinical Team Member may ask you to leave the clinical area, lab or simulation setting.
Specific hospital/agency policies may vary from Conestoga policy. Student uniforms must conform to the uniform policy of the institution in which students are placed.
All Students In The Practical Nursing and BScN Program Will Need:
- Conestoga College Practical Nursing/BScN uniform as specified for their program;
- One (1) Conestoga College name tag, available from the Bookstore;
- One clear two-way pocket badge holder.
All Students in the EPIEN Program will need:
- Uniform/scrubs
- EPIEN Lab kit, available from the bookstore (includes nametag and Photo ID holder)
All Students in the PSW Program will need:
- Conestoga College PSW uniforms;
Uniform Regulations
- Full, clean, wrinkle free uniform must be worn in clinical areas and simulation/science labs.
- Bottom of the pant hemline must be sewn above the sole of the shoe.
- Warm-up jackets or sweaters that coordinate with the uniform are acceptable, but must not be worn during direct care.
- Undergarments must be worn, choice and style should not create a major contrast between body colour and uniform colour.
- Head coverings must be neutral and appropriate to ensure the safety of the student and patient/client.
- If ¾ length shirts or t-shirts are worn under the designated uniform they must be black or grey.
- No hats to be worn.
- Religious and cultural attire will be considered on an individual basis.
- Once a uniform is worn for client care, it cannot be worn in any public place until washed. If you are not going home directly after clinical, you need to have a change of clothing with you.
Uniform shoes must be supportive, clean, black or white in colour, non-mesh, and slip-resistant with closed toes and heels. The shoes worn with the uniform are not to be worn outside of the agency. Clogs (wooden or other), or any shoe without a full back are not acceptable footwear.
Conestoga identification must be worn and visible at all times in all clinical settings. Institutional Photo ID may also be required, at the discretion of the institution.
Jewelry can be a source of bacteria and injury to students and clients. For these reasons the following restrictions related to jewelry are necessary:
- NO rings, other than a plain wedding band.
- NO chains - necklaces or bracelets.
- NO facial or oral jewelry.
- Watches may be worn on the wrist or uniform except when giving direct care.
- One conservative stud may be worn in each ear lobe. Dangling earrings or stretchers are not acceptable. Flesh-coloured spacers are acceptable.
When providing nursing care, it is important that hair not fall forward potentially contaminating clean/sterile areas. For this reason, hair should be neat, clean and kept out of the eyes. If hair is long, it should be tied back and secured. Long ponytails should be secured upon the head, and not allowed to dangle onto field of care. Students must be clean-shaven or have neatly trimmed beards and/or mustaches to facilitate respirator fit; cultural and religious practices will be taken into consideration on an individual basis.
Personal Hygiene
Students are expected to meet hygiene requirements during class, lab and placement hours.
- Maintain personal hygiene and cleanliness.
- No heavily scented perfumes, colognes, gels, and lotions. These can cause allergic reactions, migraines and respiratory difficulty.
- Nails should be kept short, not past the fingertip, and clean.
- No nail polish, nail jewelry, acrylic or artificial nails are permitted.
Smoking in the college buildings or clinical or community setting is against the law and may be subject to fine.
Chewing Gum
Chewing gum is not allowed in clinical, lab or community settings.
Food and Beverages
Food and Beverages are only allowed in designated areas only (cafeteria, student or staff lounge areas).
Cellphones and/or smartphones for personal use are not permitted in the clinical setting/lab and community agencies.
Dress Code for Agencies not requiring Uniforms
- Conestoga identification must be worn and visible at all times in all clinical settings. Identification must include first and last name and designation. Institutional Photo ID may also be required, at the discretion of the institution.
- Wear comfortable low-heeled shoes with closed toes and heels.
- Street clothing should be professional. The following are not appropriate for these settings: jeans, tights and leggings, sweatpants, tracksuits, warm-up suits, ankle socks with skirts, revealing necklines or short skirts.
Transportation of Uniform to and from Clinical Settings
It is important that your uniform be clean when arriving on the unit and that a soiled uniform (that is, one that has been worn for client care) not be worn in a public place. Uniform shoes are NOT to be worn outside of the agency.
It is the responsibility of the student to find out the particular agency policy regarding wearing the uniform to and from the agency setting.
In agencies that allow uniforms to be worn to and from work, the student must ensure that the uniform is covered when outside of the agency (e.g. with a knee-length coat) and that the student is travelling directly between the agency and home.
In agencies that require the student to change at the location, the students will wear street clothes to the agency and when returning home. The uniform is to be kept in a protective covering during transit.
Requests for accommodations of this regulation (e.g. for religious or disability reasons) will be considered within the framework of the Conestoga College Policy for Human Rights.
Fitness and Health Promotion
Academic Fitness Centre
The Academic Fitness Centre is comprised of specialized fitness equipment. In order to maintain these as safe professional spaces, appropriate dress must be worn. The purpose of this dress code is to encourage professional practice and encourage safe lab practices. All FHP lab areas are covered by this policy. Non-compliance with this dress code will result in the person being asked to leave the lab area. (If during scheduled lab time, this will result in a missed lab)
Dress Requirements
- FHP Lab T-shirt
- Fitness shorts or pants
- Clean athletic shoes (e.g., running shoes) must be worn in lab
- Socks must be worn
- Hair tied back, if hair is long, then it must be up
- Nails should be kept neat and short; artificial nails and nail polish are not allowed
- No hats to be worn (exceptions related to the Human Rights Code)
- No denim
- Scented Products must not be worn
- No chewing gum
Please be reminded that the labs are a professional setting and, as such, the requirement for proper handwashing/hygiene is in effect.
Clinical Lab Areas: 1F26, RC202, RC300, RC MPR, RC214, 3E32
Open Access Lab: RC 300 (see schedule on eConestoga)
Cross Centre for Simulation Learning: OSCE Suites
Hearing Instrumentation Specialist
Uniform Standards
As a Hearing Instrument Specialist (HIS) student or Faculty member, it is important to present in a professional manner, particularly when in a clinical setting (community or health care institution). A professional demeanour and appearance are important in establishing effective working relationships with clients and colleagues. Given that most clients seen by the HIS are elderly, students should adhere to dressing in a manner that is respectful of their sensibilities. As a guest in any placement site providing clinical experience, it is important to always act and dress appropriately.
When students are at Field Placement locations, they represent the college and represent that Clinical Site to their clients. For this reason, individual clinical locations may have their own dress codes, to which students must adhere. Students should contact the clinical preceptor prior to arriving on their first day, to ensure that they comply with any required dress code.
General guidelines for HIS laboratory and clinical placement sites include:
- Dress as required by the clinical site. This is usually semi-formal/business attire.
- Long or short-sleeved dress shirt, golf shirt or similar; no collarless T-shirts; no logos on shirts. Dress or plain casual slacks, no jeans.
- Shirts and pants must be high/long enough to cover the midriff, even when bending or reaching.
- Some placement sites may require a lab jacket over a clean, unwrinkled blouse or shirt with a tie.
- Clean, preferably light comfortable shoes with closed toes and heels.
- Jewelry must be kept to a minimum and not compromise the safety of yourself or your clients. For example, consider wearing one pair of tiny studs in ears and nose and a plain band on the finger with no stones or etching. While at the clinical placement, all other facial piercing, including tongue piercing must be removed. Medical alert bracelets are permitted.
- Hair length and style must conform to the rules of the placement site. It is expected that long hair will be tied back, off the collar and controlled securely. Hair colour should be of a natural shade.
- Nails should be kept short and neat looking. Nail polish, if worn, must be clear or nude. Artificial nails are not permitted.
- Scented products (perfume, scented aftershave) must not be worn.
- No gum chewing is permitted in clinical, lab or community settings.
- Faculty and/or Clinical Preceptors reserve the right to ask students who do not conform to the uniform policy to leave the clinical, community or lab setting. Time missed must then be made up by the student.
Massage Therapy
Program Standard Dress Code
As a Massage Therapy student, it is important to present in a professional manner, particularly when in a clinical/field placement setting. Professional demeanour and appearance are important in establishing effective working relationships with patients and colleagues. As a guest in any agency/service providing clinical/field experience, it is important always to act and dress appropriately. Students and Faculty have established the following uniform regulations to address the issue of professional appearance.
- Clinical dress as set forth by the program (should be neat and clean). Students must wear Program-approved clothing (Massage Therapy golf shirt and approved shorts or pants) for lab safety and accessibility for courses with a lab component. These may be purchased from the Conestoga College Bookstore.
- On-site labs involving movement-oriented activities will also require additional clothing to achieve learning objectives. Faculty will advise you to wear sleeveless tops or sports bras and shorts or leggings in order to participate in lab activities. Make-up work may be assigned if restrictive clothing is worn that interferes with full completion of required learning activities.
- For practical lab exams, clinically appropriate clothing is expected. Students are required to wear the Massage Therapy golf shirt and nametag, and 'casual dress' pants.
- All Massage Therapy students must wear closed-toe and heel rubber sole running shoes in all labs and in clinical placements and labs, including the public clinic.
Nutrition and Food Services Management
Program Uniform Standards
As a Nutrition and Food Service Management Student, it is important to present a professional manner, particularly when in a placement setting (community or health institution). A professional demeanour and appearance are important in establishing effective working relationships with care recipients and colleagues. As any guest in an agency providing placement experience, it is always important to act and dress appropriately.
Students represent the College while at field placement locations and on field trips. As such, it is important that they adhere to appropriate dress codes. Field placement locations may have their own dress code, which the student must adhere to. Students should contact the placement preceptor prior to arriving on their first day to ensure that they will comply with any required dress code. General guidelines have been established to address the issue of professional appearance, as stated below.
General Guidelines for Professional Appearance
- For clothing in the clasroom and lab, clothing should be professional and neat. While attending field placements or field trips, clothing should be business casual. Dress or plain casual slacks should be worn, no jeans or sweatpants. Long or short-sleeved dress shirts, golf shirts, or similar should be worn. Shoes should be closed heel and toe, field placements may require shoes to be non-slip.
- Hair length and style must conform to the rules of the agency. In working in environments with food, such as the Nutrition and Public Health Foodservice Lab, hair must be tied back and secured with a hairnet.
- Jewelry must be kept to a minimum and not compromise the safety of yourself, your clients, or the food products you are working with. Field placement guidelines may require you to remove facial and ear piercings, as well as rings.
- Nails should be kept short and neat. Guidelines for nail polish and artificial nails must be followed as per the field placement area.
- A lab or chef coat is required in lab and may also be required in food service environments as part of your field placement. Direction of the placement agency should be followed.
- Scented products (perfume, scented aftershave) must not be worn.
- Personal hygiene products, such as deodorants, should be used but unscented.
- No hats should be worn (exceptions related to the Human Rights Code).
- No gum chewing is permitted in clinical, lab or community settings.
Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant
Program Standard Dress Code
Clinical dress as set forth by the program (should be neat and clean). Students must wear Program-approved clothing (OTA & PTA golf shirt and approved shorts or pants) for lab safety and accessibility for courses with a lab component. These may be purchased from the Conestoga College Bookstore.
On-site labs involving movement-oriented activities will also require additional clothing to achieve learning objectives. Faculty will advise you to wear sleeveless tops or sports bras and shorts or leggings in order to participate in lab activities. Make-up work may be assigned if restrictive clothing is worn that interferes with full completion of required learning activities. Requests for accommodations of this policy (e.g. religious or accessibility reasons) will be considered within Conestoga College Policy or Human Rights framework.
For practical lab exams, clinically appropriate clothing is expected. Students are required to wear the OTA & PTA golf shirt and nametag, and 'casual dress' pants.
Note: Dress requirements apply not only to lab or examination areas but also while working in the Cowan Health Sciences Centre.
Primary Care Paramedic
Uniform Standards
As a Paramedic student, it is important to present in a professional manner, particularly when in a clinical/field placement setting. Professional demeanour and appearance are important in establishing effective working relationships with patients and colleagues. As a guest in any agency/service providing clinical/field experience, it is important always to act and dress appropriately. Students and Faculty have established the following uniform regulations to address the issue of professional appearance.
Student uniforms must conform to the uniform policy of the institution in which students are placed. In the instance that an institution does not have a defined uniform policy, it is understood that the above dress standards for the Cowan Health Sciences Centre as well as these additional regulations apply.
- All Paramedic students must wear approved safety shoes in the field and lab environment. (High or low cut, dark, rubber soles, steel-toed). Closed-toe and heel rubber soles running shoes will be worn in clinical (hospital) placements (Green CSA triangle must be on the boot or shoe).
- Mandatory school crests must be worn on both uniform sleeves and be visible to the public. (Tutors/teachers will check this).
- Uniforms will always be clean (free of pet hair, large stains) and wrinkle free.
- Uniforms may be worn to or from field placements, but students will not stop and attend public venues such as shopping malls, licensed establishments enroute to or from the field placement.
- Long hair is to be tied back, off the shoulders and away from the face.
- Facial hair of any type is NOT permitted. Faculty and students must attend clinical and lab sessions clean shaven.
- Nail polish is to be removed. False nails are to be removed.
- Any jewelry that presents with health and safety concerns must be removed. Students are responsible for the security of personal property.
- Dress standards are to be followed. It is expected that students present themselves in full uniform when applicable and not employ partial uniform dress (re: non-uniform coat/sweater with paramedic pants).