Health & Life Sciences Work-integrated Learning Guide
2024/25 | Conestoga College
Health & Life Sciences
Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
WIL Overview
Pre-WIL Health Requirements
Concerns Regarding Student Safety or the Safety and Care/Service for Clients
WIL experiences provide the opportunity to demonstrate and enhance your learning in the practice environment. These WIL experiences have been organized by your program in partnership with the organization where you are placed.The following procedures have been developed to make it easier to identify and address any concerns or issues regarding your safety or the safety and care of clients that may come up during the WIL experience.
A. Communication of General Concerns regarding Your Safety or The Safety and Care/Service for Clients
- Students will be provided with an Orientation to their WIL site on the first day of their WIL experience. The Orientation may include details of the WIL site's policies and procedures related to communication about the safety of the work environment and/or the safety and care of patients/residents/clients.
- If a student has any concerns about the safety of the work environment and/or the safe/appropriate care/service for clients:
a. The student must immediately report these concerns to the College individual associated with the WIL experience (Clinical Instructor, Faculty responsible for your WIL experience, WIL Supervisor).
b. The Clinical Instructor/Responsible Faculty/WIL Supervisor will discuss this concern with Site Management
c. For concerns of a serious nature (e.g. concerns impacting a total student group; a serious care/service situation), the Clinical Instructor/Responsible Faculty/WIL Supervisor will discuss the situation with the Program Coordinator and, potentially, the Department Chair. The Program Coordinator or Chair will immediately contact WIL site management to determine next steps.
Should facility policies require that WIL experience students report safety or care/service concerns immediately to WIL site management, the student should report to the Clinical Instructor/Responsible Faculty/WIL Officer immediately afterward.
B. Reporting of Incidents of Student Injury during a WIL Experience
- Should students experience a personal injury of any kind, this must be reported immediately to the WIL Employer and Clinical Instructor/Responsible Faculty/WIL Supervisor. The WIL Employer will provide first-aid that may be necessary, including arranging for transportation to emergency medical services if required. The Clinical Instructor/Responsible Faculty/WIL Supervisor will notify the Program Coordinator and Chair and complete an Unpaid Work/Education Placement-Accident Report (UWEP-04) and will send this to the College's Occupational Health & Safety Office. Where necessary, the Occupational Health & Safety Office will complete a WSIB 7 form, a Letter of Authorization to Represent Placement Employer and a Work/Education Placement Agreement Form.
C. Reporting of Student Involvement in Situations of Possible Injury to Clients during a WIL Experience or Student Damage to Facility Property
- Should students be involved in care/service situations where the care/service results in a potential concern/injury to patients/residents/clients of the WIL site, this concern must be immediately reported to the WIL Site in order that care can be given. This situation must also be reported immediately to the Clinical Instructor/Responsible Faculty/WIL Supervisor. The faculty will discuss this immediately with the WIL site and ensure that an incident report is completed. The faculty must also inform the Program Coordinator and the Department Chair for a discussion of program expectations and implications. It is the responsibility of the Chair to ensure that all documentation is obtained regarding the incident and to inform College officials accordingly.
- Should students be involved in situations where there is alleged damage to resources/physical property at the WIL site, this concern must be reported immediately to the WIL Site and to the Clinical Instructor/Responsible Faculty/WIL Officer. The faculty will inform the Program Coordinator and Department Chair for a discussion of program expectations and implications. It is the responsibility of the Clinical Instructor/Responsible Faculty/WIL Officer to complete an incident report with the Chair accountable to ensure all documentation is obtained and to inform College officials accordingly.
Continuing Education Programs
Application to Program
- Submit a completed Conestoga College Program Application Form;
- Attach proof of admission requirements; and
- Await for the selection to be made following an assessment of the admission requirements.
Fitness and Health Promotion
Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) Policies and Procedures
- It is the student's responsibility to be familiar with all aspects of the WIL placement process, including course outlines, policies, WIL placement requirements, and particularly the evaluation package.
- Students are expected to work their full shifts as assigned by their WIL Placement Supervisor and to complete the placement attendance log. The length of shifts can vary from placement to placement. Students who will be absent from placement are required to notify both the facility where they are placed and their WIL Placement Coordinator at the College prior to the start of their shift that day. Students who require special shift considerations due to extenuating circumstances should negotiate this with their WIL Placement Coordinator at the beginning of placement.
- Students are required to make up any time missed from placement in full or half-day blocks. Students incurring four or more absences (full or partial days) must meet with their WIL Placement Supervisor to review the situation and develop a plan for completion of the placement. Students may be required to produce written documentation such as a doctor's note to validate the reasons for their absences.
- Students may (after the fact) request, in writing, to their WIL Placement Coordinator to have up to two makeup days waived, provided that the circumstances surrounding the absence are extenuating and verifiable (i.e. injury, surgery, family health, bereavement) and the placement is progressing satisfactorily. The decision to waive makeup days is made by the WIL Placement Coordinator (after consultation with the WIL Placement Supervisor). These days are monitored and recorded in the student's placement file.
- Students who have not completed all required hours or learning requirements by the end of the semester may be eligible for an incomplete. This would be negotiated with their WIL Placement Supervisor in consultation with a Program Coordinator and the placement site. If the incomplete is approved the student may be granted an extension to return to the placement and complete the outstanding items. Specifics about the terms will be outlined using the College's incomplete form.
- Students may request that their placement be carried out in a special setting. Students who are interested in a special placement should discuss their intent with their WIL Placement Coordinator.
Study Abroad Option - Subject to Availability
Nursing Program Clinical Placements
- Students are responsible for regularly practicing their skills so they are safe to provide care in practice settings and become more proficient as they progress in the program. Students may be referred back to the lab at any time should there be a need to refresh or further develop skills competencies.
- It is recognized that nursing skills are more than technical expertise, but also include other professional attributes required to perform the role. Students are responsible for professional behaviour in clinical and lab experiences, including how they interact with others and their efforts to use their time well to work towards competence and mastery of skills.
- The student's priority needs to be safe competent care in their role as a student. Students who are not prepared for their clinical day or who do not demonstrate the competence required for patient safety will be directed to leave the clinical.
- Students who do not meet the legislative requirements and standards of Practice of the Nursing Profession will be removed from placement at the discretion of faculty, clinical supervisors or the agency.
- All lab and theory courses must be completed successfully each semester before a student can take the preceptored consolidation course.
Professional Behaviour
Cancellation of Clinical Experiences
Nutrition and Food Service Management
Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) Placement Guiding Principles and Policies
- Students are responsible for completing all of the required hours of WIL placement to successfully complete this program. All financial costs related to the placement are the responsibility of the student.
- It is the responsibility of the student to be familiar with all aspects of the WIL placement process, including course outlines, policies, WIL placement requirements, and the evaluation package.
- Students will be given the opportunity to request that their placement be carried out in a special setting or at a particular institution. Every effort will be made to meet student preferences when assigning placements, however, requests may not always be met. In order to fairly distribute WIL placement sites among students, a lottery system where student's names are drawn at random will be used to assign placement sites according to preferences.
- Students are responsible for independently arranging and financing any housing and transportation costs for placements. The majority of WIL placement locations will be within the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, however, some placements may be further away. There are no guarantees that all locations will be accessible by public transportation. All efforts will be made to assist students by placing them in locations that will not put undue stress on them. However, all students should realize that they are responsible for arranging their own transportation to the facility in order to fulfill the requirements of WIL placement.
- Students are not allowed to arrange their own placement, however, if there is a facility that you know is interested in having students, contact the WIL Placement Coordinator to let them know. The WIL Placement Coordinator will consult with the location if appropriate, using proper procedures, to assess whether or not the location can be confirmed as a student placement.
- Students are responsible for making their own arrangements for parking at the College or placement agencies and for paying parking fees.
- Every effort will be made to confirm placement locations as well as times as early as possible. Given the limited number of placements, students must be prepared for changes even up to a few days before the placement starts.
- WIL placement is a pass/fail course. Students will be continuously monitored and evaluated by their preceptor. If the student and/or preceptor feels that their field performance is unsatisfactory, they will consult with the WIL Placement Coordinator immediately. Problem areas will be identified, suggestions for improved performance will be outlined, and alternative solutions will be explored towards the goal of improved performance during the remaining time in placement.
WIL Placement Hours
- Students are expected to work their full shifts as assigned by their WIL placement preceptor and to complete the attendance log. The length of a shift may vary from placement to placement. Students who are absent from placement are required to notify both the facility where they are placed and the Placement Coordinator at the College prior to the start of their shift that day.
- In the event of inclement weather or illness, the student should make a judgement in consultation with the Placement Coordinator as to whether the shift should be discontinued. Note that even if Conestoga College is closed, placement sites may remain open. If the placement site remains open, the student is expected to attend if they can travel safely.
- Students are required to make up any missed time from placement in full or half-day blocks. Students incurring four or more absences (full or partial days) must meet with the WIL Placement Coordinator at the College to review the situation and develop a plan for completion of placement. Students may be required to produce written documentation, such as a doctor's note, to validate their reasons for absence.
- Students who have not completed all required hours or learning requirements by the end of the semester may be eligible for an incomplete. This would be negotiated with the Placement Coordinator in consultation with the placement site. If the incomplete is approved, the student may be granted an extension to return to the placement and complete outstanding items. Specifics about the terms will be outlined using the College's incomplete form.
Personal Support Worker (PSW) Clinical Placements
- It is recognized that skills are more than technical expertise, but also include other attributes required to perform the role. Students are responsible for professional behaviour in clinical and lab experiences, including how they interact with others and their efforts to use their time well to work towards competence and mastery of skills.
- The student's priority needs to be safe competent care in their role as a student. Students who are not prepared for their clinical day or who do not demonstrate the competence required for safe patient/resident care will be directed to leave the clinical.
- Students who do not meet the legislative requirements or program standards will be removed from placement at the discretion of faculty, clinical supervisors or the agency.
Professional Behaviour
Cancellation of Clinical Experiences
Respiratory Therapy
Guidelines for Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) Placement Site Allocation
- To allocate students in a fair and equitable manner to the WIL placement sites in partnership with Conestoga College.
- Student's choices will be utilized when possible.
- Once this information is received, students will be grouped according to their first choice of clinical site.
- Please note: Students are not guaranteed their first choice as some sites may be over-selected
- The Clinical Competency Attainment Specialist and Program Faculty will endeavour to grant the highest-ranking site as possible for each student.
Final Publication of Allocation
- Students pre-WIL requirements need to be complete to be eligible to rank clinical (WIL) placement sites.
- Any student who has not met all the pre-placement requirements, by the ranking form due date will not be permitted to submit clinical rankings and will not be considered for placement until these requirements have been fulfilled. An internal record of the process will be filed and available for review by Senior Conestoga College Administration.
Guidelines for WIL Placements
1. Confirmation of Placement Times, Dates and Location
2. Student Responsibilities
- Completed all pre-WIL requirements
- Satisfactorily completed all required courses in the Respiratory Therapy curriculum and year-end composite exams leading up to that placement. You must keep all original documents as some sites will request the originals.