Applied Research (Optional Co-op)

2023/24 | Conestoga College

Program Code: 1525
Interdisciplinary Studies

Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning

This is a companion document to the current Conestoga College Student Guide

Program Handbook Introduction

​The purpose of this handbook is to provide students with program-specific details and other important information. The material in this handbook is accurate at the date of posting and is applicable for the current academic year. Students will be informed of handbook changes that occur, if any, through college email. Program handbooks are updated yearly, and students must check their program handbook for the current edition.

This handbook must be read in conjunction with general information about Conestoga College found on the website and in the Student Guide. The information in the Student Guide and on the college website​ applies to all students, regardless of program.

The Student Guide provides details regarding Student ServicesSafety and SecurityStudent Rights and Responsibilities and more. 


Welcome to Conestoga College, the next step in your pursuit of post-secondary learning. The School of Interdisciplinary Studies is your gateway to a variety of other college programs in the fields of Health Sciences, Community Services, Business, Information Technology, Engineering, and Media and Design.  It can also be your gateway to degree-level academic learning at either colleges or universities, if that is your goal. In particular, the General Arts and Sciences programs are designed to offer you a firm academic foundation in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences, and to help you define your academic or career path by discovering your passion, developing your creativity, enhancing your professionalism, and augmenting your post-secondary academic achievements.

The purpose of this handbook is to provide students with program specific details and other important information needed, while studying in the School of Interdisciplinary Studies. The material in this handbook is accurate at the date of posting, and is applicable for the current academic year. Students will be informed of changes as required through the Conestoga email system. Program handbooks are updated yearly and students must check their program handbook for the current edition.

This handbook must be read in conjunction with general information about Conestoga College found on the website and in the student guide. The information in the Student Guide and on the college website applies to all students, regardless of program, and will be referred to in Phase II Orientation at the beginning of the first semester in a program.

​It is the responsibility of each student to review and understand this document. The School of Interdisciplinary Studies is here to educate students on how to manage their college experience, navigate the college systems, make informed decisions, and assume responsibility for their academic success. If there are any questions or concerns regarding the content of this document, please contact the Program Coordinator.

Program Academic Team

Shawn Brake 
Dean, School of Interdisciplinary Studies
(519) 748-5220 ext. 3058
Cherie Mongeon
Administrative Coordinator to the Dean
519-748-5220 ext. 2696
Adam Miller
Academic Chair
519-748-5220 ext. 3438

Administrative Assistant to the Academic Chair
519-748-5220 ext. 2161
Program Manager
(519) 748-5220 ext. 2414

Domenica De Pasquale, PhD
Interim Program Coordinator
(519) 748-5220 ext. 2707

Program Faculty

In addition to the core complement of your full-time program faculty, other faculty will work with you for the duration of this program. These include faculty from other schools for breadth and/or general education courses, as well as faculty with particular expertise in specific areas of program focus.

Contact information for faculty will typically be provided on the first day of related courses.

Communication – Program Standard & Emailing Protocols

​Conestoga College student email accounts will be used to communicate to the students via email. Students are expected to regularly check their student email accounts.

Faculty will not respond to emails from non-Conestoga email addresses.

College Hours

The College is open and offers classes seven days a week.

Program Overview

Program Description

Applied research is designed to answer specific questions aimed at solving practical problems. While fundamental research answers the initial question of how things work, new knowledge acquired from applied research has specific objectives in the form of products, procedures or services. The pace of change in the applied research and information mobilization has never been as fast as today. Whether designing, implementing, and evaluating applied research projects, or targeting and tailoring research evidence for decision-making, people who engage in applied research create meaning and impact across multiple sectors. In this graduate certificate program, you will learn practical research methodologies, data analytics, data visualization, and knowledge mobilization to accelerate the impact of applied research. The second semester allows you to work in interdisciplinary teams to implement your skills in an applied research impact project. In addition to this hands-on experience, you will have the opportunity to expand your real-world practice through an optional co-op term.

Program Learning Outcomes

Through successful completion of this program, the graduate will have reliably demonstrated the ability to:

  1. Compare and contrast the basic theories and structures of leadership and management.
  2. Illustrate the application of leadership concepts to support various leadership and management roles.
  3. Synthesize knowledge and skills of communication methodologies and communication styles across all levels of organizational structures.  
  4. Demonstrate knowledge and expertise in teambuilding and motivation techniques.
  5. Use effective strategies to implement and/or manage the dynamics of change and culture.
  6. Integrate leadership responsibilities into strategic organizational planning and business results.
  7. Examine and apply effective performance evaluation and appraisal techniques.
  8. Construct a personal plan for development and competency to support practical management and leadership issues.

Program Design

Students can find their program design on the Student Portal by following the steps below:

  1. Log in to Student Portal
  2. Click on the 'My Courses' tab
  3. Select the 'View Progress Report' button

 Access the Conestoga website for assistance provided through Accessibility Services. Access the Learning Commons website for detailed information on the academic services they provide, including Learning Skills, Peer Services, Math and Writing assistance.

Program start and end dates, holidays, and deadlines for course add/drop and withdrawal are located in the Student Guide. Course changes (add/dropping) may also be made through the Student Portal under the "My Courses" tab.​

General Education Electives

Students are required to complete General Education elective courses as part of their program requirements. General Education elective course requirements are listed at the bottom of the progress report, which is found on the Student Portal under My Courses. The progress report indicates the level/semester in which the course must be taken. Students are responsible for adding General Education electives into their schedule for the designated semester. Eligible courses are posted each semester by the School of Interdisciplinary Studies on the College's elective website. For more information and to view the current elective course offerings, visit Questions regarding General Education electives can be directed to the School of Interdisciplinary Studies:

Program Technology Requirements

Program technology requirements are posted on the program web page. Students in hybrid delivery courses will require a device, webcam functionality, and reliable Internet access. 

Co-operative Education

Applying to the Co-op Stream:

  • All applicants apply to the non co-op program. Students will be informed of the application deadline and process to apply for the Co-op Stream. Labour market conditions determine the number of co-op seats in optional co-op programs. Not every student who meets academic eligibility requirements will be admitted to the co-op stream.
  • To be considered for admission to the co-op stream, students are required to achieve a minimum 80% session weighted average in Level 1 with no failed or dropped courses. 

To participate in a co-op work term, students must:

  • ​Successfully complete the Co-op and Career Preparation modules (CEPR8200).  Students who fail Co-op and Career Preparation will not be permitted to search for co-op employment nor will they be able to participate in a co-op work term.  Students who fail Co-op and Career Preparation will not be permitted to continue in their co-op program.
  • Be enrolled full-time (full-time = 70% of the hours, or 66 2/3 % of the courses in the current session/level of the Program Design.)  Exceptions will apply to those students who have been granted special timetabling based on formal identification of barriers or challenges for which accommodation is required. Academic eligibility requirements must still be met prior to being granted access to seek a co-op work term.
  • Must have successfully completed all program courses, according to the program design, by the eligibility term prior to any given work term (regardless of the level the student was placed in advanced standing).
  • Students (even those on special timetables) will not be permitted to complete a co-op work term until conditions above are met and all course deficiencies, according to the program design, are cleared.
  • Co-op work terms may need to be re-sequenced to allow academic deficiencies to be cleared or in the event a student changes cohorts (i.e. graduation is delayed by one year or more). Students may not repeat a passed work term.
  • Should a student's academic performance decline considerably (including cumulative missed courses) during the term just prior to any work term, the college reserves the right to withdraw the student from the upcoming work term.
  • Meet program specific co-op work term eligibility requirements.
  • Academic eligibility for a co-op work term is based on the term that occurs two terms prior to any work term.  Should a student's academic performance decline considerably (including cumulative missed courses) during the term just prior to any work term the college reserves the right to withdraw the student from the upcoming work term.
  • Students may only defer one work term regardless of the reason(s) (e.g. failed or missed work term).
  • Since only one work term may be failed/deferred regardless of the reason(s), should a subsequent work term be missed/failed/unsecured (not successfully completed for any reason) the student will be immediately removed from the co-op stream.
  • ​Students who are discontinued are not eligible for co-op work terms.

For additional information please refer to the Co-operative Education Regulations and Guidelines: Student Regulations, Procedures and Supports found by: 

  1. Login to MyCareer
  2. Select Co-op
  3. Select Co-op Resources
  4. Select Co-op Policies
  5. Select Co-operative Education Regulations, Procedures and Supports for Students

Please Note:

  • Co-op programs add value to your education. Earn money while you apply what you learn in a real workplace environment.  Visit Co-operative Education for more information. 
  • The College cannot guarantee co-op employment.  All co-op students are required to conduct an independent co-op job search in addition to the supports and services provided by the Department of Co-op Education.
  • Students are responsible for their own transportation and associated costs in order to complete work term requirements. Work locations may not always be readily accessible by public transportation.
  • In order to participate in a WIL experience/Co-op work term, students must be legally eligible to work in Canada.

Academic Information

Academic Dates

It is the student's responsibility to be aware of various important academic dates throughout the year. These academic dates are posted on the college website.

Please note that Continuing Education courses and Apprenticeship programs may have different start dates and exam dates for courses. 

Course Add/Drop Program

You can add your electives through your student portal and drop courses from your portal in GAS.

Log in to the Student Portal

  1. Click on the "My Courses" tab
  2. Scroll over the icons to the right of individual course listing.
  3. Click the red 'X' to drop a course

​It is strongly recommended that students consult their program coordinator/academic advisor prior to dropping a course.  Adding and dropping courses can affect tuition fees and OSAP eligibility.  

Visit the Credit Transfer Office for information on credit transfers and exemptions.  Students must see their coordinator to drop a requried course.  Courses may not be offered during any semester and are subject to availability.

​Instructional Plans

Instructional plans will be provided to students on eConestoga. All assessment dates and deadlines will be posted on the instructional plan, including assignments, tests/quizzes, midterms, presentations, etc. This information acts as a guide to the course and will include a course schedule, which may be subject to change by faculty. Students are expected to review these documents, in coordination with the course outline, on a regular basis and note all key dates and deliverables.

​​Assessments - Late Submissions

Each faculty member will inform students of their guidelines for submitting assessments and any late submission rules in their Instructional Plan. It is the responsibility of the student to be aware of the course requirements for each of their courses. If an extension of time is required, the student must make the request to the appropriate faculty member in advance of the due date. Approval of the request is at the discretion of the faculty member.

Program Transfer Protocols

Use Program Application Form located on the website. 

Credit Transfer, Pathways & PLAR

Conestoga recognizes you may have formal post-secondary education that may allow you to enter a program at an advanced level or provide for individual course exemptions. To ensure your credits are eligible for transfer, please contact our Credit Transfer Office at: 

The Credit Transfer Policy and Procedure are available on the college website.

For more information, visit the Credit Transfer webpage and the PLAR webpage.

If you are currently a Conestoga student and want to continue studying at Conestoga, there are a number of different pathway opportunities available to you.

Whether you wish to transfer to another program or apply to a new program after graduation, Conestoga has established pathways, to help you meet your goals.

Conestoga College has articulation agreements with many domestic and international institutions. These agreements allow students to transfer into a specific program with advanced standing. Students must meet the academic requirements stated in the agreement.

For more information regarding pathways at Conestoga, contact the Credit Transfer Officer at 519-748-5220 ext. 2166.

​​​Academic Assistance

Academic assistance is available to students through a variety of avenues. The program coordinator and faculty can advise students on specific program and course information. Visit the myLearning page through Student Success Services​ for information on accessibility accommodations and other services such as study skills, peer support, and math and writing tutoring. 


Conestoga has more than 400 awards, bursaries, scholarships and academic grants available to Conestoga students. These funds are made available to our students through the partnerships we have established with local business and industry leaders. To be considered for an award, complete the General Application available through your Student Portal. Notifications and instructions to complete the application are sent to all full-time students' email accounts in the fall semester (Deadline: First Friday in October) and winter semester (Deadline: First Friday in February). Visit the Financial Aid and  Student Awards Office on Conestoga's website for more information.

Attendance and Program Standards

Working Together to Plan Your Success

Your success matters!  Regular, punctual attendance, and active participation in scheduled classes, field and clinical placements, labs and any on-campus and off-campus activities scheduled by your program will help you to understand and master the learning complexities of your program.

If extenuating, unplanned circumstances require you to miss a class or an assessment, please note that it is your responsibility to follow up with individual faculty members prior to the class/assessment and access any missed information.

Attendance for Evaluations

Evaluations are critical components of each course and your overall success in your program. It is your responsibility to attend all evaluations (e.g. test, exam, presentation, etc.). If there is a concerning pattern of absence from evaluations across your program, you may be asked to meet with the Program Coordinator and/or Student Advisor to discuss strategies for success.

While circumstances such as religious holidays and academic accommodations may necessitate rescheduling of evaluations and will be accommodated, please note that there will be no special arrangements made for rescheduling evaluations due to personal conflicts such as work, commuting, or vacation plans.  

Faculty Responsibilities

  • To communicate the dates of each evaluation at the beginning of each semester through the Instructional Plan.
  • To communicate, in writing, any unplanned extenuating circumstances that may require changes to the course schedule.
  • As per the Religious Holy Day and Spiritual Observance Procedure, provide alternative evaluation arrangements for missed evaluations due to recognized religious holidays as defined by the College Employer Council.
  • To provide all accommodations requested by Accessible Learning.
  • To consider alternative evaluation requests in good faith and examine the unique circumstances (e.g., unexpected family obligations, personal emergencies, etc.) and collaboratively determine an appropriate solution.
  • Note, do not request doctor's notes from students.

Student Responsibilities

  • To review the instructional plan and familiarize with the dates of evaluation.
  • As per the Religious Holy Day and Spiritual Observance Procedure, inform your faculty member in writing that the religious holiday defined by the College Employer Council will occur during the semester and may require considerations for evaluations to be rescheduled.
  • If you must be absent from any scheduled evaluation, report your absence on the Student Portal using the procedure below. You must do this prior to the start of the evaluation or risk receiving a mark of zero.

How to Report Absences on the Student Portal

  1. Log into the Student Portal and click on the 'Absence tab'.
  2. Indicate whether or not there is an assessment scheduled on that day by clicking 'Yes or No', as well as the reason for the absence (illness or other).
  3. Click 'Continue' to report the absence.
  4. Click 'I agree' to confirm the absence.
  5. You will receive a confirmation email that your absence has been recorded.

Important! Please note the following:

  • The earliest you can record an absence for a particular day, is after 8:00 p.m. the day before. You must report each day you are absent.
  • The Absence Recording System will show you as being absent for the day, starting from the time that you recorded the absence. For example, if you record your absence on a specific day at 11:00 a.m., the system will show you as being absent for all classes starting after 11:00 a.m. that day.
  • If you are going to be present for any other classes on the day for which you recorded an absence, please let the faculty member know by attending or following up by eConestoga or college email.
  • As soon as possible, email the faculty member associated with the evaluation you missed and arrange for appropriate follow-up. 

Documentation for Absences

Conestoga recognizes that unexpected circumstances, such as brief illness, do arise during the term. As a visit to a health practitioner may not be necessary or possible, we do not ask you to provide a doctor's note except in exceptional circumstances.       

If the evaluation cannot be rescheduled, (e.g., experiential activity, lab, or a group presentation) your professor may provide you with a revised assignment or allocate its marks to another evaluation item, so long as the combined total does not exceed 40% of the course grade. This will be communicated to you by email.

Attendance - Program Protocols

​The normal protocol is to inform your teacher of any absence prior to the missed class. If it is a missed test or assignment, students must connect with Accessibility Services for support  Missed classes may negatively impact your success in the class. 

What is Academic Integrity?

Having academic integrity means acting fairly and honestly when engaging in academic activities. 

By having and applying an Academic  Offences Policy and Procedure, Conestoga ensures graduates complete their studies fairly and honestly through hard work and dedication, and thus are well-prepared for their future careers.

Copyright at Conestoga 

Conestoga facilitates access to print, media, and electronic resources to support and enrich learning, teaching, and research in compliance with the following:


Plagiarism is submitting or presenting work of another person(s)/organization in whole or substantial part as one's own without proper citation and referencing.

​Evaluations (deadlines, tests and examinations) – Program Protocols

Written Assignment: All written assignments should comply with format and organization guidelines given by your instructor, as well as demonstrate clarity and good writing mechanics. Poor writing skills and/or failure to follow instructions could adversely affect a student's final grade. Any assignment is expected to be handed in on time and in class unless prior arrangements have been negotiated with the instructor. 

  1. Plagiarism: Policies regarding plagiarism are clearly outlined in you Conestoga Student Guide. The consequences for plagiarism are serious. The first incident usually results in a "0" grade on the student's assignment and will be documented in their file. Additional incidents will have more serious consequences. (Please refer to your Conestoga College Student Guide). If further clarification is necessary, please consult with the course instructor/faculty before handing in an assignment. Some courses may also have "Turnitin" technology available to assist you.
  2. In-class Activities/Learning Conversations: Regular attendance and participation in class activities and adding to the rich conversations are vital to your success. This experiential learning will have a positive impact on your understanding of course material and therefore cannot be replaced by make-up assignments.
  3. Missed Tests: A student is not automatically eligible to write a missed test. In most cases, a rewrite can only be granted when written verification can be provided by the student. If there is no such documentation, a test can only be scheduled at the discretion of the instructor and only to achieve a passing grade (N.B. Rewrites of tests or assignments will NOT be allowed merely to improve a grade). This policy applies to in-person and take-home tests. 

Late Policy

Conestoga College and the School of Interdisciplinary Studies are committed to supporting students in their learning. We recognize that deadlines for coursework assignments, quizzes, and specified exam dates help prepare students for their career fields through the recognition of demands and expectations (which often need to be prioritized), and in the development of time management skills. Meeting coursework deadlines in a timely manner also enables students to demonstrate to their employers that they are able to produce finished work of acceptable quality within a given time period.

Students are encouraged to complete assignments well in advance of the due date. We are committed to supporting students in their learning experiences, and in responding to individual extenuating circumstances as they arise. Students are reminded that Conestoga College has a network of student success services available including the Learning Commons, Learning Resource Centres, and counseling and support services to assist them.

We are aware that occasionally events or circumstances occur which are beyond a student's control. In these circumstances, we recognize that clear and consistent policies and procedures help our students identify their options and required processes. The following policies apply in most circumstances:

  • Assignments are due at the start of class on the due date specified by the instructor in the Instructional Plan or the deadline set by the dropbox in eConestoga;
  • Extensions must be negotiated at least 24 hours in advance. Extensions are at the sole discretion of the Professor. 
  • If an assignment is going to be late, a penalty of 10% per day will be applied to all late assignments.
  • Assignments later than seven (7) calendar days will not be accepted and a grade of zero (0) will be applied for this component of assessment.

Because you have access to all due dates from the first day of class exceptions to these rules are for validated absences only.

Professors in the Applied Research program, in certain circumstances, may apply a rule where no late assignments or presentations will be accepted. These occurrences typically relate to assignments built around partnerships with community partners, group work, or projects that require work to be completed by a specific date due to program limitations.

Should students need support with absences (such as illness requiring the care of a doctor prescribing your time off, compassionate leave, court or legal duty, or retroactive absences) students must connect with Accessibility Services for support. 

Academic Progress Through the Program

Academic Progression

The college's approach to academic progression is governed by the Promotion Decision Procedure.

A student's academic achievement results in a promotion decision, such as eligible to continue, graduate, and discontinued.

Progress from one level to the next in a program is dependent upon the successful completion of courses and/or meeting program promotion standards.

​Program Completion Policies​

  1. ​Program Design.  This program is delivered over two semesters beginning in the fall (September) or winter semester (January). Students may complete an optional third-semester co-op. 

  2. Academic Completion. If a student is on track to completing their program, but still needs to complete academic courses, they can return on a special timetable to complete these courses.  

  3. Convocation.  Students who have not completed on time to graduate in June may be allowed to continue into the following year. In these cases, students may be allowed to convocate in the fall rather than waiting until the following June on condition that they complete by the end of August.  This option is not an automatic right but is only granted in exceptional cases. 

Program Progression​

Students actively registered in cohort delivered programs who take longer than the designed program length of time to complete their studies are accountable for completing any new or additional courses that may result due to changes in the program of study. 

Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, students registered in non-cohort delivered programs must complete the program of study within seven years of being admitted to the program.

Academic Probation – Program Protocols

Academic probation is seldom required in this program but could occur in the following circumstances:

  • one or more cited instances of plagiarism (see College policies , click on Academic Administration, then Academic Offences Policy).
  • a lack of attendance/lack of effort in more than one course which results in multiple failures within the eight months of the academic program.
  • failure of three or more academic courses within an eight month period.
  • lack of progress in the program due to inability to complete required academic courses.
  • Academic probation sets out an agreement between the student and the academic team which outlines the criteria that must be met in order to succeed. The contract could outline a time frame for completion, expected attendance, timely submission of assignments, or other criteria deemed important for student success in the program.

Academic Standing and Promotion Requirements – Program Protocols

​In order to graduate in the certificate program, the academic program courses must be completed in 8 months and 420 co-op hours, commencing no later than the October following completion of program courses, must be completed to graduate with the co-op certification.

Clearance of Academic Deficiency Program Protocols

The passing grade for a course is 60% unless otherwise stated in the course outline. 

In order to qualify for a supplemental exam or for supplemental work, a student must
  1. Have achieved no less than 50% as a final grade in a course
  2. Have completed and passed at least one evaluation during the semester
  3. Have not received an academic offence in the semester. An academic incident resulting in a warning is not considered an academic offence.
  4. Have completed all assignments and tests worth 10% or more.
  5. Have not completed a supplemental in another course in the program.
A student cannot do a supplemental in the Public Service Capstone Course.

A student receiving between 48% and 59% in the program may have their marks reviewed by faculty on each assignment, with marks potentially increased or decreased based on the faculty member's judgment.

In order to write a supplemental, the student must apply at the Registrar's Office and pay the required fee. This must be done within 5 business days after the final grade is posted. The student must complete the supplemental evaluation within 10 business days after the final grade for the course is posted.

For more information visit the College Policies, Procedures, Practices and Guidelines webpage then click on the Academic Administration side tab and search for the document entitled Clearance of Academic Deficiency. 

Deferral, Discontinuance or Probation

​If a student fails three academic courses within a semester, they may be discontinued in the program. If this occurs, the student can reapply for the program in the following academic year.

​Re-admission Requirements – Program Protocols

Students who withdraw or leave the program may reapply for the next academic year. 

Student Representation – Conestoga Students Inc. (CSI)

Conestoga Students Inc. (CSI) and Conestoga agree that a student has the right to invite a member of CSI to a student and/or faculty meeting provided that 24 hours advance notice is given to faculty. This advance notice will ensure that all parties will have an opportunity to adequately prepare for the meeting.​


Students are eligible to graduate upon completion of all academic requirements in their program of study, including co-op placements if applicable. Students are expected to respond to their invitation through their Student Portal. Convocation ceremonies are held in the spring and fall of each academic year. Students, who take longer than the advertised program length, are responsible for completing any new or additional courses due to a program design change. Students who complete their program on time may be required to fill out an Application to Graduate form and submit it with payment to the registrar's office. Students who complete their program after the scheduled completion date are required to fill out an Application to Graduate form and submit it with payment to the registrar's office. Students who are discontinued or have withdrawn and then return to the college will be placed in the current program design and must meet all requirements to graduate.

Student Engagement

Conestoga 101

The Student Engagement Department is here to help you transition to the Conestoga College experience, connect with your community, and build your skills. 

Start your college experience by completing Conestoga 101 (CON0101) on eConestoga, a mandatory course for all new full-time students that will take you approximately one hour to complete. CON0101 provides an overview of the supports, services, and opportunities available to you throughout your time at Conestoga. Make sure you complete it early on in the term, as it contains valuable information that will help you transition to Conestoga.

​​Student Feedback

​Student feedback is an essential component of our continuous improvement process. Our opportunities for student feedback include:

Ontario College Student Experience Survey

All college programs in the province are evaluated using the Ontario College Student Experience Survey. This survey is conducted each academic year in select classes - every student is invited to participate in each year of their program. Strategic goals to improve the programs are developed from these results. This data and other data specific to the campus and the program/school are collected so that Conestoga College can continually improve quality.

Student Appraisal of Teaching (SAT)

The Student Appraisal of Teaching (SAT) allows direct feedback from students on teaching for a particular course. Completion of the SAT forms give teachers and academic managers valuable information to use for the improvement of teaching at Conestoga.

The SAT process has two components: the Early Course Check-in and the Full-SAT. The Early Course Check-in is 8-12 questions, occurs during week 10 of classes and provides early feedback to faculty about the student experience within their classroom. The Full-SAT is 43 questions and occurs late in the semester; a summary of the results goes to the faculty member and their academic manager. Typically, about one-quarter of the faculty is appraised per term. All full-time faculty have a SAT review at least once every two years. Part-time faculty may be reviewed more frequently. 

Program Advisory Committees (PACs)

Program Advisory Committees (PACs) provide the necessary link between Conestoga and the community it serves. PACs operate in an advisory capacity to Conestoga administration with the objective to keep Conestoga responsive to current and future workforce needs, trends or opportunities in industry and the marketplace.

All post-secondary education programs of study at Conestoga, both full-time and part-time, which lead to an employment related credential, or are approved by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU), will be associated with a PAC, with the exception of apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs. For any program not leading to an employment related credential, such as foundation programs, PACs are optional.

At the beginning of each year, the coordinator(s) of the program will ask for student volunteers. The coordinator(s) will select which student(s) will represent the program at PAC. Student attendees are important members of the PAC and are expected to be present at all meetings and are responsible for preparing and submitting a report based on guidelines provided by the program coordinator.

Students who participate in PACs will receive credit on their Co-Curricular Record (CCR) . Your CCR is an official document, complementary to your academic transcript, which recognizes and records learning that you have achieved through approved Co-curricular experiences at Conestoga.

Conestoga Policies and Procedures

​​Student Protection Acknowledgement

A Student Protection Acknowledgement confirmation pop-up will appear when a student logs into the Student Portal on a yearly basis. This will direct students to policies and procedures relevant to their academic responsibilities. All Conestoga College wide academic policies and procedures are listed on the college website under "About Conestoga", "Policies and Procedures". 

Students are advised to review and comply with all policies and procedures, including the following:         
  • Academic Dispute and Resolution Policy & Procedure
  • Academic Offences Policy & Procedure ​
  • Clearance of Academic Deficiency Policy & Procedure
  • Convocation Procedure
  • Co-operative Education Policy
  • Discontinuance Procedure
  • Evaluation of Student Learning Policy & Procedure
  • Grading Procedure
  • Program and Course Withdrawal and Refund Procedure/International Student Withdrawal and Refund Procedure
  • Readmission Procedure
  • Religious Holiday Policy & Procedure
  • Student Expectations for Online Engagement
  • Student Feedback Policy
  • Student Fees Policy & Student Fee Invoicing and Payment Procedure
  • Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy & Procedure

Students must follow all of the policies and procedures for Conestoga College and it is expected that faculty will accept, fulfil and enforce these standards.​​ 

Web-based Tools

​Program courses may use web-based services with data centres outside of Canada. Students may be expected to complete assessments where information is transmitted outside of Canada. Students who do not wish to submit their information to other countries have the right to opt-out. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor if they, in the first week of term or at the time assignment details are provided, wish to submit an alternate assignment.

Course examinations may be administered through a remote proctoring service to assure academic integrity. Ensure that you meet the system requirements that will allow the recording of your computer screen, webcam, and microphone.

Accommodation Disclaimer

​Conestoga College provides an equitable environment where all students have the opportunity to participate in College life. In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and the Ontario Human Rights Code, Conestoga recognizes its responsibility and legal obligation to provide education, information and services in an accessible manner.

Conestoga's Accessible Learning services provide support for students with permanent and temporary disabilities who feel they are encountering barriers to learning. They work with students to understand the impact of a disability in the college environment and will help develop a success plan that considers student goals and required academic accommodations. Accessible Learning will also communicate necessary accommodations to professors on behalf of the student. 

To consult with an Accessibility Advisor about accommodations please make an appointment by emailing or calling 519-748-5220 ext. 3232.

Exceptions for non-accessibility focused issues need to be consulted on with your professor. Final approval for exceptions unrelated to academic accommodations rests with the program chair.

Program Handbook Revision Log

Revised Spring 2023

Revised Spring 2022

Applied Research (Optional Co-op)