Getting started

Welcome new international students

Orientation is an exciting time where you will learn about your academic program, college support, and ways to engage and connect. You will be able to participate in a full suite of program orientation sessions tailored to you, our valued international students.


You will receive an email from the college with program orientation information to get you prepared for the first day of classes. Program orientation dates are specific to your program of study. Please see program orientation day for details.

Complete your registration

Ensure you have completed the required steps for registration to access your timetable on the Student Portal.

Conestoga International Welcome Event

Join our webinar to find out what we love about Conestoga and what we think you will love too!

Learn about our international student community and take part in our interactive webinar on how to succeed in the Canadian classroom with Senior Teaching and Learning Consultant, Laura Stoutenburg.

Conestoga International welcomes you!

DateTime (ET)​Register
Monday, April 29
1-2:30 p.m., ET
Vambora logo

Moving to Canada?

Vambora, developed by Conestoga alumni, helps international students access various Canadian services before coming to Canada.