
Please note:

Fall term locker registration opens September 3, 2024.

Lockers are available at the Kitchener - Doon, Waterloo, Cambridge - Fountain Street, Cambridge - Reuter Drive, Guelph, Brantford, Milton - Parkhill Drive and Milton - Steeles Ave. campuses.

All registered students learning on campus can register for one complimentary (free) locker.

Lockers are assigned on a term basis and are not available for short-term use.

How to register for a locker

We suggest reviewing your timetable to determine your classroom locations.

  1. Sign in to the locker portal with your College Network ID.
  2. Select Order a Locker and agree to the terms of service.
  3. Select Campus, then Building and Floor/Wing (if applicable).
  4. Select the specific locker that will be reserved by you for the duration of the term.
  5. An email confirmation with an attachment will be sent to your Conestoga College email. Your assigned locker number is in the attachment.
  6. Purchase your own lock to put on your locker.

Locker guidelines


The college makes lockers available to students to facilitate the daily storage of their learning materials and items related to their studies. The college manages lockers to ensure responsible use of property and for the health and safety of individuals.    

All locker usage is monitored on a regular basis. Locker regulations apply to all occupants.    

The registration of a locker constitutes an agreement, on the part on the occupant, to abide by and follow the regulations as enforced by Conestoga College.    

Fees and registration

An individual agrees to only occupy the locker that is assigned to them at the point of sale and only until the specified expiry date.   

Conestoga College is private property. All locker usage is strictly by permission only. Conestoga College assumes no responsibility whatsoever for the safety of items left in lockers at any time.   

Locker use is by official assignment only through the Locker Administration system. The Locker occupant is defined as the individual assigned to the locker within the Locker Administration system.   

An occupant may only rent one locker at a time. Occupants are not permitted to share a locker with another individual.   

Occupants will be required to provide their own lock.   

Occupants may change their selected locker after the term has begun, subject to availability.   

Students who withdraw from the college or fail to enrol within the following term, forfeit the use of a locker.   

Students registered with Accessibility Services and have specific locker needs are required to email Locker Administration by email at   

Unauthorized use

Flammable materials, dangerous chemicals, explosives, weapons, alcohol, drugs and drug paraphernalia are strictly prohibited inside lockers.  

Conestoga College reserves the right to enter a locker or cancel the locker rental agreement and remove the lock and contents of an occupant without the consent or presence of the occupant:  

  • If the safety or security of the college becomes in question
  • In the event of a structural emergency (e.g. broken pipes or electrical repairs) or other such instances
  • Due to a failure to follow locker regulations including failure to remove items after the rental expiry period, or
  • At any time the college deems necessary with just cause and managerial approval.

In the event of unpaid and/or illegal occupancy, or occupancy past the expiry date, the locker will be opened, the contents removed, and the contents will be placed in storage. Any liquids, chemicals or perishable items collected will not be stored. The contents will be retained for no more than 14 days. After this time the contents will be disposed of as per college policy.   

Individuals who wish to receive their removed locker contents are required to contact Locker Administration at The occupant is required to pick up their retained locker contents from Conestoga College with proof of ID and a description of locker contents to be picked up.  

Lock removal request or damage report

If there is an unauthorized lock on your locker contact so that we can review the removal request. Please allow 2 business days for your request to be processed.   

If you are having trouble opening your lock do not attempt to cut or remove the lock yourself. This will damage the locker in the process. Instead, please contact Locker Administration at Please allow 2 business days for your request to be processed.   

If you notice damage to your locker, please report it so that we can repair it or arrange another locker for you.   


Vandalism of lockers is subject to the provisions of the applicable disciplinary code (e.g. in the case of students, the Student Code of Conduct, in the case of employees, the Workplace Discipline Policy, etc.).    

The occupant is responsible for any damage caused to the locker during the rental period, whether structural (removal or mutilation of shelves, door, floor etc.) or visible defacing of surfaces (graffiti and stickers) and will be charged for any repair costs.    

Cancelling request

Locker selection can be cancelled at any time by emailing Please ensure to include your student number with your request.    

Please allow 2 business days for your request to be processed.    

End of term

With the exception of items that are required as part of an on-going investigation by the college and/or police, the contents of lockers that have had their locks cut off at the end of the rental period will be removed immediately and will be stored for a period of 30 days. After 30 days, all such items, will be donated or disposed of according to the content retrieval in section 3.0 and will be subject to an administration fee.     


How do I know if I need a locker?

If you are not permitted to bring your personal belongings into your classroom or lab, we suggest renting a locker for the term to securely store your items. Students with large supplies or program kits may also find having a locker helpful while being on site.  

How do I know which locker to select?

We suggest reviewing your class schedule to determine your classroom locations. Lockers are organized in the rental portal by Campus, Building, Floor and Wing (if applicable).  

Where can I get a lock?

You may purchase your own lock to place on your rented locker. Locks are available for purchase from the Conestoga Bookstore.  

How big are the lockers?

Locker size varies from campus to campus. The average locker size is 10.5" in width and 32.5" in length.  

How do I switch my locker after my rental is complete?

Please contact if you wish to change your assigned locker. We encourage you to double check your chosen locker before completing your locker rental in the portal.  

What do I do if there is already a lock on my reserved locker?

Please contact and we will review your request to confirm your locker assignment and provide next steps if lock removal is required. Please allow 2 business days for your request to be processed.  

What happens if my lock and items have been removed from my locker?

In the event of unpaid and/or illegal occupancy, or occupancy past the expiry date, the locker will be opened, the contents removed, and the contents will be placed in storage.

Individuals who wish to receive their removed locker contents are to contact Safety and Security at

You will be required to provide a detailed description of the locker contents and provide proof of ID to pick up the retained locker contents from Conestoga College.

Please see the unauthorized use section above within the locker rental guidelines for additional information.

What happens if I forget my lock combination/lose my lock key?

If you are having trouble opening your lock do not attempt to cut or remove the lock yourself. This will damage the locker in the process. Instead, please contact Locker Administration at Please allow 2 business days for your request to be processed.  

What happens if my locker is damaged, or I suspect it was broken into?

Please contact and we will review your request.