Major Research Projects, Scholarly Activities, and/or Publications |
Conference presentations:
- Collaborating Across Borders VII, Indianapolis, Indiana, October 2019
- Title: Effective Interprofessional Role Clarification in Health and Social Care Practitioners: Testing of a New Instrument
- Presenter: Allen, D.
- Collaborating Across Borders VI, Banff, ON, October 2017
- Title: Effective Interprofessional Role Clarification in Health and Social Care Practitioners: Testing of a New Instrument
- Presenter: Allen, D.
- Altogether Better Health VIII, Oxford University, Oxford, UK, October 2016
- Title: Interprofessional Role Clarification among Health & Social Care practitioners: Conceptualization, Enactment & Measurement
- Presenter: Allen, D.
- CASN Educator Conference, Toronto ON, May 2016
- symposium presentation
- Title: Transforming Nursing Practice Education into Interprofessional client-centred Collaborative practice
- Presenters: Allen, D. with Dr. Orchard (lead), and another UWO PhD student peer
- Collaborating Across Borders V, Roanoke, Virginia, September 2015
- workshop presentation
- Title: Assessing the Value of the Interprofessional Collaborative Team Judgment Process
- Presenters: Allen, D. with Dr. Carole Orchard (lead), Dr. M. Sexton and another UWO PhD student
- Altogether Best Health VII conference, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2014
- poster presentation
- Title: Interprofessional Role Clarification
- Presenters: Allen, D. assisted Dr. C. Orchard as round table discussion facilitator
- Collaborating Across Borders IV Conference, Vancouver, BC, June 2013
- Title: Can Preparation of Clinical Teachers in IPC Concepts and Competencies Impact Their Teaching of Students in Clinical Practice?
- By Dr. Carole Orchard, Mary Beth Bezzina, Dianne Allen, Office of Interprofessional Health Education & Research
- Presenters: Dr. Carole Orchard, Dianne Allen
- presented the qualitative findings for this research
- Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN), Nursing Research Conference, Toronto, ON, May 2012
- poster presentation
- Title: Interprofessional Education (IPE) in the BScN Program: Are we preparing our students for collaborative practice?
- Presenters: Salfi, J., (lead), Mohaupt, J., Allen, D., Rawlin, C., Patterson, C. & Tam, S.
- Collaborating Across Borders III Conference, Tucson, AZ, November 2011
- Title: What Are IPE Competencies? Implementing National Guidelines
- Presenters: Madeline Schmitt, Facilitator, with Dianne Allen, Lesley Bainbridge, Deborah Gardner, Carole Orchard, Margot Rykhoff, Martha Sexton
- invited keynote speaker and part of a panel discussion with group above
- Collaborating Across Borders III Conference, Tucson, AZ, November 2011
- poster presentation
- Title: The I-4 Curriculum: Response to the Challenge of Incorporating IPE into College and University Programs
- By: Allen, D., Mohaupt, J., Salfi, J., & Raasok, M.
- Presenter: Allen, D.
- Collaborating Across Borders III Conference, Tucson, AZ, November 2011
- Title: The I-4 Curriculum: Development and Implementation of Interprofessional Education
- By: Allen, D., Mohaupt, J., Salfi, J., Chornaby, P., & Raasok, M.
- Presenter: Allen, D.
- Collaborating Across Borders III Conference, Tucson, AZ, November 2011
- poster presentation
- Title: A framework for introducing interprofessional education into a multi-site B.Sc.N. curriculum
- By: Salfi J., Allen, D., Mohaupt, J., Inouye, D., Rawlin, D. & Solomon, P.
- Presenter: Allen, D.
- IPE Ontario 2011, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, January 2011
- discussion presentation
- Title: The I-4 curriculum: Development and implementation of interprofessional education
- By: Allen, D., Raasok ,M., Salfi, J., & Mohaupt, J.
- Presenter: Allen, D.
- IPE Ontario 2011, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, January 2011
- poster presentation
- Title: A framework for introducing IPE into a multi-site curriculum
- By: Salfi, J., Allen, D., Mohaupt, J., Inouye, D., Rawlin, D., & Solomon, P.
- Presenters: Salfi, J., Allen, D.
- IPE Ontario 2011, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, January 2011
- Title: 911: What is your emergency? A large scale simulation effort to engage students in interprofessional collaboration
- By: Mohaupt, J., Allen, D., & Salfi, J.
- Presenters: Mohaupt, J., Allen, D.
- CASN, Nursing Research Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 2010
- poster presentation
- Title: Health Care Provider and Undergraduate Education: Enhancing Role Clarification and Interprofessional Health Care for the PSW, RPN, and RN in Long Term Care
- By: Allen, D., Raasok, R., Clark, S., Clarke, K., Flynn, S., Hagerman, L., Peppler-Beechey, L., & Weiss, K.
- Presenter: Allen, D.
- CASN, Nursing Research Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 2010
- poster presentation
- Title: A framework for introducing interprofessional education into a multi-site B.Sc.N. curriculum
- By: Salfi J., Allen, D., Mohaupt, J., Inouye, D., Rawlin, D. & Solomon, P.
- Presenters: Salfi J., Allen, D.
Publications: - Allen, D. (2020). Interprofessional Role Clarification Among Licensed Health Care Practitioners in Rural and Smaller Community Hospitals. Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 7029.
- Orchard, C., Pederson, L., Allen, D. & Lam, H. (2017). Can preparation of clinical teachers in IPC Concepts and competencies impact their approach to teaching students in clinical practice? A promising approach. International Journal of Practice-Based Learning in Health and Social Care, 5(1), p. 98-115.
- Salfi, J., Solomon, P., Allen, D., Mohaupt, J., & Patterson, C. (2012). Overcoming all obstacles: a framework for embedding interprofessional education into a large, multisite bachelor of science nursing program. The Journal of Nursing Education 51(2), 106-110.
- Allen, D., Ploeg, J., & Kaasalainen, S. (2012). The relationship between emotional intelligence and clinical teaching effectiveness in nursing faculty. Journal of professional nursing : official journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 28(4), 231–240.
- Salfi, J., Mohaupt, J., Patterson, C., & Allen, D. (2015). Reality Check : Are We Truly Preparing Our Students for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice? Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 47(2), 41–61.
Scholarships and awards: - Interprofessional Education (IPE) in the BScN Curriculum: Are We Preparing Our Students for Collaborative Practice? (Nursing Education Research Unit Scholarship (NERU) from McMaster University for study at all 3 sites (COMOMAC) Investigators: Jenn Salfi, Jen Mohaupt, Nancy Matthew-Maich, Dianne Allen, Susan Tam $2000.00, May 2012
- Are We Preparing Our Students for Collaborative Practice? Investigators: Jenn Salfi, Dianne Allen, Jen Mohaupt, Patty Solomon. (Niemeier Award, from McMaster University for study at all 3 sites (CO-MO-MAC), May 2011
- Vivien Wood Scholarship, McMaster University, 2007-2008
Peer review of scholarship writing: - Fundamentals of Canadian Nursing Chapter: Psychosocial Health and Illness-11 - Canadianized version of Wilkinson and Treas's Fundamentals of Nursing (2012) - Editor: F.A Davis