Aviation - General Arts and Science


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Courses - September 2023

Level 1

Course details

College Reading & Writing Skills

Description: This course introduces students to the reading, writing, and critical thinking skills needed for academic and workplace success. Students will analyse a variety of texts and apply the steps of planning, writing, and revising to produce writing that meets the expectations of selected audiences and purposes. The course prepares students for college-level writing tasks, research, and documentation by asking them to produce clear, informed, and purposeful documents relevant to both academic and professional contexts.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Conestoga 101

Description: This self-directed course focuses on introducing new students to the supports, services, and opportunities available at Conestoga College. By the end of this course, students will understand the academic expectations of the Conestoga learning environment, as well as the supports available to ensure their academic success. Students will also be able to identify on-campus services that support their health and wellness, and explore ways to get actively involved in the Conestoga community through co-curricular learning opportunities.
  • Hours: 1
  • Credits: 0
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Student Success for Higher Learning

Description: This course enables students to employ strategies and take advantage of resources and opportunities that will support their success in post-secondary environments. Students will identify their unique learning styles and develop strategies for achieving their academic, career and personal goals for reaching personal satisfaction. It provides a structured and supportive learning environment to help students define and develop the academic habits and skills for a successful transition to a Canadian post-secondary culture. The course will address the diverse issues facing students who are beginning their academic path in post-secondary studies.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.


Description: This course is designed to provide the student with a mathematical basis for dealing with physical, biological, economic, business and social relationships described in terms of algebraic equations; with a review of key mathematical concepts from high school. Additional topics include linear and quadratic equations, graphical representation of a variety of functions, matrices and determinants.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.

Physics for Aviation

Description: This course will provide the student with a historical background in the field of physics, in addition to the standard measurements and calculations involved in the basic principles of physics. The student will develop structured problem solving skills in the study of kinematics, and dynamics; and laboratory exercises will also provide a practical application of theories.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.

Electives: Program Option I
Student must pass 3 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options

Level 2

Course details

Professional Writing Skills for Business


In this second-level communications course, students learn professional writing and communication skills required for effective communication in business. Students apply their learning to various scenarios to produce business documents for differing purposes and audiences using a range of current business formats. Students will also learn to write proposals and reports using credible, relevant research materials and graphic visuals that are integrated using documentation skills to further prepare them for higher learning and career success.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: COMM1085
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Electrical Fundamentals

Description: This course is designed to provide the student with the basic principles and laws of electricity through the recognition of the principles underlying Ohm's Law, magnetism and electro-magnetism. In addition, the student will be able to identify the working principles and applications of key components such as resistors, capacitors and coils. The student will deal with the mathematic formulas to solve electric circuit problems for load, wire size, equipment specifications, costs, and related issues.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.

Exponents And Trigonometry

Description: This course is a continuation of algebra, where the examination of functions is further developed through the study of logarithmic and exponential functions. The trigonometric functions are introduced and are expanded to include trigonometric identities, graphs, equations, and applications. In addition, polar coordinates and vectors are examined.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Electives: General Education
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options

Electives: Program Option II
Student must pass 3 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options

Level 3

Course details

Introduction to Aircraft Aerodynamics and Performance


This course introduces the student to a broad range of aerodynamic concepts. The student will apply these concepts in estimating the performance of a variety of aircraft from single-engine trainers to commercial transport category aircraft. Characteristics of the atmosphere and the basic aspects of applied mechanics will be used in determining forces acting on the aircraft both in the air and on the ground. The effect of propulsion method, wing loading, and centre of gravity on aircraft performance will be discussed.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: MATH1380 AND MATH1390 AND PHYS1180
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.

Geography and International Law

Description: Scientific knowledge of geography is crucial for pilots. Knowing how to read and interpret the map, understand coordinates and being able to do simple calculations on the fly — all covered by Geography — will ensure success of future aviators. This course will also explore the interrelationships between human populations, resources, and environmental changes/outcomes impacting society and various ecologies both today and into the future. Lastly, understanding the world of international law and policy regarding aviation and transportation will be relevant for emerging professionals to navigate complex global environments.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.

Career Management

Description: This course focuses on career management skills needed to navigate the evolving workplace. Students will evaluate their skills, attitudes, and expectations within their chosen careers and explore emerging trends in the workplace. Students will refine their networking strategies and create marketing documents to position them for success. Mock interviews will provide the opportunity for practice, feedback, and reflection as students prepare for future interviews. Students will explore communication strategies that support workplace success and advancement. By the end of this course, students will have created a personalized career management plan.
  • Hours: 28
  • Credits: 2
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $10.55

Electives: General Education
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options

Electives: Program Option III
Student must pass 3 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options

View Program Option Electives

Please note that all courses may not be offered in all semesters. Go to your student portal for full timetabling details under "My Courses".

Flight Management - Advanced

Description: This course prepares students to pass the Transport Canada Commercial written examination. It builds a deeper understanding of the material in Flight Management: Basic and introduces topics such as complex aircraft systems, advanced (radio) navigation, Air Regulations as they apply to commercial air services, transportation of dangerous goods, survival skills and first aid. Class lectures will focus on the theoretical material and additional tutorials will provide practical exercises, seminars and preparation for the commercial written exam.
  • Hours: 84
  • Credits: 6
  • Pre-Requisites: AVIA1060 OR AVIA1065
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated resource cost: No resources required

Flight Lab III


This Flight Lab provides the completion of the PGI required for the commercial licence. Additional areas of study include analysis of flight conditions leading to accidents, operation of complex aircraft, and transportation of dangerous goods.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated resource cost: No resources required

Flight Training III: Commercial Flight Test

Description: This portion of the program includes the Commercial Flight Test. Review of all previous flight and ground exercises will be applied and demonstrated.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated resource cost: No resources required

Helicopter Flight Management - Commercial Pilot Safety Course


This course will provide a solid foundation for the student to be a safe and proficient commercial helicopter pilot. The course will include identifying the main hazards, incidents, and accidents in the rotor wing industry and will address the corrective actions required to achieve optimum safety standards.

  • Hours: 70
  • Credits: 5
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated resource cost: No resources required

Level 4

Course details

Human Factors in Aviation

Description: This course will enable students to gain an understanding and apply principles of human factors in the aviation industry with a particular focus on physiology and cognition and how these concepts impact aviation safety. This course is divided into three main sections: (1) Physiology with a focus on understanding key elements of the human body as it pertains to aviation flight physiology; (2) Human Cognition as it pertains to information perception, decision-making, and bias to develop a holistic understanding of situational awareness; (3) System Safety Models including Crew Resource Management, Threat and Error Management, Safety Management Systems, and Safety Culture. Success in these areas will allow the student to be a safety-focused commercial pilot that would act as a positive, confident leader in a flight deck or flight operations department.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $66.00

Impact of Aviation on Canadian National Development


In this course students will review the history of Canadian aviation and will learn about the impact of aviation on the development of Canada as a nation. Students will examine the early years of aviation, Canada's military participation in and contribution to Allied aviation efforts during the wars of the 20th Century, and the influence of aviation in the development of the Canadian north. In addition, the course will focus on the transition from trains and ships to airplanes as the preferred method of regional, transcontinental and international travel, and the effects of Canada's aviation industry on the country's economic development and Canada's international trade and influence.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Applied Organizational Behaviour


Organizations impact individuals and individuals have an impact on organizations.

This course will examine factors that affect an individual’s performance in an organization. It will analyze how theories can be applied to explain such factors as an individual’s motivation, attitudes, teambuilding skills, leadership style, decision making, and stress management abilities. Other features such as organizational culture and change will also be analyzed to determine their impact on an individuals’ behaviour in an organization. Practical workplace examples will be analyzed through discussion, case studies, and team projects.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Electives: General Education
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options

Electives: Program Option IV
Student must pass 3 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options

View Program Option Electives

Please note that all courses may not be offered in all semesters. Go to your student portal for full timetabling details under "My Courses".

Flight Management - Airline

Description: This course provides students with a broad range of advanced topics relative to the aviation industry. Planned topics include working overseas, 703 (air charter) operations, emergency first aid training, and preparation to write the Transport Canada IATRA (two crew and type rating) exam. Various instructors from a wide variety of sources will be scheduled to provide expertise in specific subject areas.
  • Hours: 70
  • Credits: 5
  • Pre-Requisites: AVIA2080 OR AVIA2085
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated resource cost: No resources required

Flight Lab IV


This course provides for the required Preparatory Ground Instruction and prepares students for the air exercises to be completed in Flight Training 4.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated resource cost: No resources required

Flight Training IV: Multi-Engine Instrument Rating


This phase includes the Multi Engine Rating on the Piper Seminole and the completion of the Multi-engine Instrument Rating. Emphasis is on Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and two-crew environment. Actual IFT flight will be conducted whenever practical.

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated resource cost: No resources required

Helicopter Flight Management - Advanced


This course prepares students to pass the ground portion of the Transport Canada Commercial flight test. It builds a deeper understanding of the material in Flight Management: Basic and Intermediate. The course also provides the students with training and certification for the completion of Elementary Tasks on the Robinson R44 and Bell 206 helicopters. The students also receive comprehensive training and certification for Human Factors for Aviation Maintenance which is a key component of Elementary Task Certification.

  • Hours: 84
  • Credits: 6
  • Pre-Requisites: AVIA1170 OR AVIA1175
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated resource cost: No resources required

Helicopter Flight Lab IV

Description: This portion of flight ground training prepares the student for their Commercial flight test. Topics include: attitudes and movements, straight and level flight, climbs and descents, flight for range and endurance, auto-rotations, steep turns, forced approaches, diversions and precautionary landings. Ground topics include: Pilot Operators Handbook, Journey Log, Weight and Balance Data, Airspace and Chart information, Meteorology and Proficiency in Flight Planning Preparation.
  • Hours: 28
  • Credits: 2
  • Pre-Requisites: AVIA2150
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated resource cost: No resources required

Helicopter Flight Training III - Commercial Flight Test

Description: This phase includes the Commercial Flight Test. Review of all previous flight and ground exercises will be applied and demonstrated.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: AVIA2140
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated resource cost: No resources required

Level 99

Course details

Electives: Program Option VI
Student must pass 2 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options

View Program Option Electives

Please note that all courses may not be offered in all semesters. Go to your student portal for full timetabling details under "My Courses".

Flight Training II: Night Rating/Time Build


This block completes the Night Rating and builds Pilot in Command time towards the commercial license. Flights are undertaken both with classmates (mutual) and alone (solo) to build experience and confidence. Terminal areas, longer cross-country, transborder and instrument work are included in this phase on training.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated resource cost: No resources required

Helicopter Flight Training IV - Winter Survival Techniques


This course covers flight operations . Topics include: winter training with practical application of survival techniques, pad building, survival fires, and shelters. Practical use of marshalling signals, external loads, and correct use of performance issues and techniques will be discussed.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: AVIA2140
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated resource cost: No resources required

Please note:

Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs are based on the most recent available data through the Conestoga Campus Store.

Program outcomes

  1. Develop, through general knowledge gained in a wide range of subjects, insight into both self and society.
  2. Utilize critical thinking processes and problem solving techniques through logical experiences, mathematical practices, and laboratory applications
  3. Examine and evaluate various aspects of our changing society to assist in developing a sense of personal and social responsibility as a citizen in society.
  4. Communicate competently at the required level for business and the aviation industry, showing flexibility and clarity of thought and expression.
  5. Exhibit positive behaviours and attitudes in relation to risk management, safety culture, policy and procedural compliance in all flight operations.
  6. Demonstrate appropriate skills as a commercial pilot.