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View our Virtual tourCourses - September 2023
Level 1
Course details
Cell Biology
This course introduces the principles and processes in prokaryote and eukaryote cell biology. Topics include structure, function, and chemistry of cellular membranes and organelles; membrane transport, receptors, and cell signaling; the cell cycle, genetic information, and sexual reproduction; the cytoskeleton and cellular movement; and exploring applications and advances in cell biology.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Strategies for Career Success
In this course students learn to establish career goals, prepare an e-Portfolio and resume, identify biotechnology-related job opportunities, and acquire networking, self-marketing, job search, and interview skills for lifelong employment success. Students will learn to identify their transferable skills and market them effectively as they prepare targeted resumes and cover letters aimed at employers in the field of Science. Students will develop an understanding of workplace structures, ethics, and behaviors, as well as leadership roles that will enable them to excel within their place of employment.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Introductory Chemistry I
This course will introduce the foundations of chemistry and working in a laboratory environment. Topics such as chemical health and safety, use and handling of glassware and laboratory instruments, measurement techniques, and atomic theory will be covered. Students will use a hands-on approach in the lab to explore these topics.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Conestoga 101
- Hours: 1
- Credits: 0
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Math for Biotechnology
This course will teach important mathematical theories with a focus on the application of these concepts to the field of Biotechnology. Topics include unit conversions, algebraic equations, proportions, linear and quadratic equations, graphing various functions, and the study of logarithmic and exponential functions.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Understanding Research
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $72.20
Level 2
Course details
Microbiology I
This course introduces the history and diversity of microorganisms as well as the impact of microbes on everyday life. Students will practice methods of cultivation, isolation, identification, enumeration, and will develop skills in microscopy. Skills developed in this course will include performing laboratory specific duties in compliance with policies and procedures relevant to occupational health, safety, professional practices, and operation of standard laboratory equipment.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $111.50
Introductory Chemistry II
This course provides students with an introduction to chemistry and performing chemical experiments in a laboratory. Topics covered will include states of matter and molecular forces, solution chemistry, acids and bases, chemical equilibrium, thermodynamics, reaction kinetics and organic chemistry. Students will increase their practical knowledge by performing a variety of experiments in the laboratory.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: CHEM71010
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Scientific and Technical Communications
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Applied Statistics
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: NURS72050 OR RSCH73000
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options
Level 3
Course details
Microbiology II
This course is designed to enable students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in Microbiology I with a focus on advanced concepts such as the role of microorganisms in disease and antibiotic resistance. The beneficial aspects of microbes in food production, bioremediation, and their impact on the gut microbiome will also be explored. Laboratory activities include microscopy, identification, enumeration, antibiotic susceptibility testing, genetic transfer, and techniques used in quality control and quality assurance within the food industry.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: BIOL71030
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Organic Chemistry
This course will introduce the chemistry of carbon-based compounds. Students will explore several different classes of organic compounds including saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, alcohols, ether, phenols, thiols, and haloalkanes. Each class of compound will be investigated through topics such as nomenclature, molecular structure and shape, physical and chemical properties, synthesis and reactions. Students will gain practical knowledge and skills by performing common organic chemistry techniques such as melting and boiling point measurements, refractive index measurements, distillation, refluxing, extraction and thin layer chromatography.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: CHEM71020
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Analytical Chemistry
Students will explore topics in analytical chemistry including solution concentration and preparation, dynamic equilibrium, acid-base equilibria and buffers. Students will learn the importance of accuracy through emphasizing precision of measurements, significant figures, and propagating errors. Students will gain practical experience and knowledge in these analytical topics and concepts by performing experiments involving volumetric, gravimetric, and instrumental analysis.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: CHEM71020
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Calculus for Biotechnology
This course is oriented towards applications of differentiation and integration to analyze data typically collected in biotechnological applications. Topics covered include limits, derivatives of algebraic and transcendental functions and their applications, integration of algebraic and transcendental functions and their applications and selected methods of integration.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MATH71020
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Topics in Management
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Level 4
Course details
Molecular Biology I
This course introduces the theory and techniques associated with Molecular Biology. Topics include the structure and study of nucleic acids and proteins, and maintenance, expression, and regulation of the genome.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Plant Biology
This course will focus on the anatomy, theory, application and function of plants and their role in the biotechnology industry. There will be a strong emphasis on plant and crop cultivation and improvement, including cross breeding and seed line production. This course will also explore the maintenance and operations of grow rooms, green houses and industrial crop development.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Applied Chemistry
This course will expand the students' knowledge and skills gained in previous chemistry courses to hone their application of techniques and analysis forms.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
This course covers fundamental principles of physics relating to the field of chemistry and instrumental analysis. Topics include kinematics and energy, chemical and molecular physics, electricity, waves, and optics.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options
Level 5
Course details
Biochemistry I
In this course students will examine the structure, biochemical function, and biological role of the major macromolecules of living organisms: proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. Other topics include enzymes, water and biological buffers, biological membranes and transport, and biosignaling. Laboratory exercises include analysis of buffers, spectroscopic methods, protein isolation and purification, and analysis of enzyme function and activity.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Molecular Biology II
This course applies the knowledge and skills acquired in Molecular Biology I with a focus on the principles of gene editing, genetic analysis, and protein expression. Topics include molecular genetic techniques, gene analysis, gene activity, and protein expression.
- Hours: 70
- Credits: 5
- Pre-Requisites: BIOL72010
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Co-op and Career Preparation
- Hours: 14
- Credits: 1
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Instrumental Analysis Laboratory I
This course will introduce instrumental chemical analysis with a focus on spectroscopy. Students will gain practical experience operating UV-Visible, Infrared, Fluorescence and Atomic Absorbance/Emission spectrometers. Topics such as detection limits and sensitivity, sample preparation and concentration range, calibration and instrumental methods will be explored.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Instrumental Analysis Theory I
This course will introduce instrumental chemical analysis with a focus on spectroscopy. Students will gain practical experience operating UV-Visible, Infrared, Fluorescence and Atomic Absorbance/Emission spectrometers. Topics such as detection limits and sensitivity, sample preparation and concentration range, calibration and instrumental methods will be explored.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Principles of Quality Assurance
This course introduces quality assurance and the guiding principles that represent the foundation for continuous improvement within an organization. Topics include the nature and history of quality, factors which affect quality, quality inspection and verification. Students will learn to develop Standard Operating Procedures and product specifications, with an emphasis on process control and techniques to minimize variation. Methods of detecting issues, correcting them, and developing effective Quality system tools will be explored from a theoretical and practical point of view.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Level 6
Course details
Biochemistry II
This course examines the central bioenergetic pathways involved in the catabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids, including cellular respiration and ATP synthesis. Other topics include the biosynthesis of macromolecular precursors for the synthesis of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, and nucleotides; and the integration and regulation of metabolism. Laboratory exercises include protein isolation and purification, spectroscopic and fluorometric methods, and cellular metabolic assays.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: BIOL73010
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $105.10
Instrumental Analysis Laboratory II
This course will introduce instrumental chemical analysis with a focus on chromatography. Students will gain practical experience in analytical separations, and operating Gas Liquid Chromatography, High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Ion Exchange Chromatography. Topics such as detection limits and sensitivity, sample preparation and concentration range, calibration and instrumental methods will be explored.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: CHEM73000 AND CHEM73010
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Instrumental Analysis Theory II
This course will introduce instrumental chemical analysis with a focus on chromatography. Students will gain practical experience in analytical separations, and operating Gas Liquid Chromatography, High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Ion Exchange Chromatography. Topics such as detection limits and sensitivity, sample preparation and concentration range, calibration and instrumental methods will be explored.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites: CHEM73000 AND CHEM73010
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $163.40
Environmental Toxicology
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Regulatory Affairs & Biosafety
This course focuses on the importance of Total Quality Management together with Good Manufacturing Practices and Good Laboratory Practices. Students will demonstrate an understanding of a quality management system based on various International Organization for Standardization series standards. A variety of government regulations and governing bodies are discussed. The importance of Quality Control and Quality Assurance, including auditing processes, are also of focus. Students will understand and interpret the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points system as it pertains to food safety and explore the principles of biosafety and biosecurity.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options
Level 7
Course details
Co-op Work Term I (Bachelor Applied Biotechnology)
This course will provide students with college-approved work experience in environments specific to the biotechnology field. The students are able to apply knowledge and skills learned in Year II of the Bachelor of Applied Biotechnology program
- Hours: 420
- Credits: 14
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Level 8
Course details
Co-op Work Term II (Bachelor Applied Biotechnology)
This course will provide students with college-approved work experience in environments specific to the biotechnology field. The students are able to apply knowledge and skills learned in the Bachelor of Applied Biotechnology program.
- Hours: 420
- Credits: 14
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Level 9
Course details
This course investigates the molecular and cellular elements of the immune system by presenting advanced concepts and technologies in the field of humoral and cell-mediated immunity and their applications to the biological sciences. Other topics include B and T cell activation and function, antibody structure and function, immunogenicity, immunological assays, and antibody design and production. Laboratory exercises provide a working knowledge of immunological techniques and their applications to the biotechnology industry.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Cell Culture
This course is designed to provide students with a theoretical understanding of the biological, chemical, and technological principles of industrial processes. Students will learn how biotechnology is used in industry to create a variety of products. Topics include chemical engineering, unit operations, materials science, biomaterials, polymers, and fermentation.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
This course examines the structure and diversity of viruses, virus transmission, viral replication strategies, and how viruses cause disease. Front-line viral vectors for gene therapy, viral vaccines, anti-viral drugs, and beneficial uses of viruses will be explored, along with laboratory assays and viral diagnosis assays.
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
This is an introductory course in finance for non-business students. The course will introduce the student to the theory and principles of financial accounting and managerial finance. Students will be able to apply concepts to both personal and business situations, including the preparation and use of basic financial statements. Additional topics include accounting, budgeting, business finance, and financial management.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Capstone I (Bachelor Applied Biotechnology)
A capstone project that integrates the technical knowledge and skills learned in the program to design, implement and evaluate a research topic. Appropriate research, experimental design, data collection and analysis, problem solving, time and project management skills and communication are emphasized.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Level 10
Course details
Advanced Microbiology
In this advanced microbiology course, students will expand their knowledge and skills at theoretical and practical levels to provide an advantage as they prepare for their careers in the biotechnology field.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
This course provides students with an overview of the theories and methods used in bioinformatics. Topics include bioinformatics databases, analysis of protein and DNA sequences, gene and protein structure prediction, and computer-aided modelling of biological molecules. Students will gain practical experience with bioinformatic tools and software.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Industrial Processes & Materials
This course is designed to provide students with a practical and theoretical understanding of the biological, chemical and technological principles of industrial processes. Students will gain a practical understanding of how biotechnology is used in industry to create a variety of products. Topics include chemical engineering, unit operations, materials science, biomaterials, polymers, and fermentation.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Capstone II (Bachelor Applied Biotechnology)
A continuation of Capstone I, this course completes the design, implementation and evaluation of a research topic. Appropriate research, experimental design, data collection and analysis, problem solving, time and project management skills and communication are emphasized.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: RSCH74020
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options
Please note:
Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs are based on the most recent available data through the Conestoga Campus Store.
Program outcomes
- Generate, interpret and analyze data collected in the laboratory via experimentation and instrumental analysis.
- Perform tasks in compliance with pertinent legislation and regulations, standards and guidelines to ensure alignment with professional practice in a scientific environment.
- Apply professional judgments, adherence to ethical standards, and policies that foster social, environmental and economic responsibility.
- Apply quality control and quality assurance procedures to meet legislative and organizational standards and requirements.
- Perform a range of laboratory procedures relevant to the field of Biotechnology and Life Sciences through the application of scientific concepts in the fields of biology and chemistry.
- Conduct quantitative and qualitative analyses and tests using appropriate laboratory and industry procedures (GLP, GMP), and mathematical, statistical and computer skills.
- Conduct cell culture procedures under aseptic conditions for use in industrial applications, product development, or research and diagnostics.
- Conduct molecular biology procedures for use in industrial applications, product development, or research and diagnostics.
- Conduct chemical reaction and purification experiments for applications in typical industrial practice.
- Develop and implement procedures and methods to optimize experimental design.
- Analyze quantitative and qualitative research findings to synthesize and communicate relevant information for evidence informed decision making.
- Operate analytical instrumentation for experimental analysis and perform maintenance, calibration and troubleshooting.
- Work effectively in an inter-professional and diverse team using communication, leadership, teamwork and cultural awareness.
- Develop a strategy for ongoing personal and professional development and continuing education to enhance professional performance.