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View our Virtual tourCourses - August 2023
Level 1
Course details
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Conestoga 101
- Hours: 1
- Credits: 0
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Project 1A - Building Science
- Hours: 84
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Foundation Module (Building Systems Engineering)
The Foundation Module is a 2-week preparatory session designed to provide students with the required fundamental skills to be successful within the Building Systems Engineering degree program. This module will provide the student with their first exposure to Project Based Learning, and serve as preparation for this alternative approach to learning which forms the basis of the program's structure. This module will also introduce the student to the fundamental principles of team work, and the skills necessary to be an effective and productive member of a team. In addition to refreshing their knowledge base in a variety of aspects of the program's curriculum, students will develop and apply skills in teamwork, computer aided design, graphic communication and verbal presentation through the completion of a program project.
- Hours: 40
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Calculus for Engineering
Topics in this course include: algebraic, trigonometric functions and their graphs, limits, continuity, derivatives, applications such as tangent lines, extreme values, and linear approximations. Integral calculus, fundamental theorems, integral as area, indefinite and definite integrals, transcendental functions, methods of integration.
- Hours: 70
- Credits: 5
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Building Materials and Processes
In this course the student will learn the basics of building components and construction. The materials that are commonly used will be discussed. The construction process and health and safety considerations will be covered.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Physics - Mechanical
- Hours: 70
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Introduction to Natural Sciences
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Group Dynamics
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $72.00
Level 2
Course details
Heating and Cooling Load Calculations and Psychrometrics
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Project 1B - Building Envelope and System Design
In this course the student will detail the building envelope developed in the first semester Project. Heating and cooling loads for the building will be calculated. Basic Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning Systems for small buildings will be introduced. Basic forced air duct design will be introduced and a ductwork system and equipment layout for the project building will be developed by the student. A mechanical design computer program (Revit MEP) will be used to produce CAD drawings of the duct layout.
- Hours: 84
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Scientific and Technical Communications
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Linear Algebra
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $57.50
Statics and Strength of Materials
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: PHYS70010 OR PHYS71095
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $81.70
- Hours: 70
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: MATH71560 OR MATH71561
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $195.25
Level 3
Course details
Fire and Smoke Control
In this course the student will be introduced to the requirements for control of fire and smoke in buildings. Part 3 of the Ontario Building Code will be reviewed to determine fire and smoke control options for various types of buildings. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) requirements for sprinkler, standpipe and other fire suppression systems will be covered. Methods to control spread of smoke in buildings will be investigated.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: CHEM72000 OR CHEM72005
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Co-op and Career Preparation
- Hours: 14
- Credits: 1
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Project 2A - Commercial Building
In this project the student will develop a commercial building integrating Building Science and design principles from previous semesters. CAD tools will be employed in the process. Heating and cooling loads will be calculated using appropriate Computer Energy Analysis software. Appropriate HVAC systems will be researched and applied in the project building. Fire and smoke control strategies will be incorporated into the project. Basic utility cost estimating will be introduced in the building design process.
- Hours: 84
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: DSGN71150
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Electrical and Electronic Foundations
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MATH71560 OR MATH71561 AND PHYS71020
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Advanced Calculus
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: MATH70010 OR MATH71560 OR MATH71561
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Strength of Materials II
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MATR71025
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Project Management, Methods and Tools
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $143.30
Level 4
Course details
Project 2B - Duct, Piping and Plumbing Systems
In this project the student will take the commercial building envelope with HVAC and fire and smoke control systems designed in the previous semester and add ductwork, water supply, and DWV systems according to OBC requirements. Grey water and rain water harvesting systems will also be researched for incorporation into the project building. Chilled water and hydronic hot water systems will also be designed for the building along with sprinkler and standpipe systems and natural gas distribution piping. Design drawings will be produced using appropriate BIM software.
- Hours: 84
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: DSGN72250
- CoRequisites: MECH72120 OR MECH72125 OR MECH72126
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Numerical Methods
- Hours: 28
- Credits: 2
- Pre-Requisites: MATH70000 OR MATH71000 AND MATH71560 OR MATH71561 OR MATH71570
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $116.15
Fluid Mechanics
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: MATH70010 OR MATH71570 AND PHYS70000 OR PHYS71095
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $217.50
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MATH71560 OR MATH71561 AND PHYS71095
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $143.30
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: CHEM72000 OR CHEM72005 AND MATH70010 OR MATH71570 OR MATH72005 OR MATH72300
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $44.25
Programming Fundamentals
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MATH71560 OR MATH71561
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $81.70
Level 5
Course details
Co-op Work Term 1 (BEng-Building Systems Engineering)
- Hours: 420
- Credits: 14
- Pre-Requisites: CEPR71050
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Level 6
Course details
Co-op Work Term 2 (BEng-Building Systems Engineering)
- Hours: 420
- Credits: 14
- Pre-Requisites: CEPR71050
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Level 7
Course details
Electric Motors and Drives
Topics in this course include: single and three-phase AC systems; transformers, equivalent circuit, equations, efficiency and voltage regulation; DC motors, equations, efficiency, operational characteristics and speed control; induction motors, equations, equivalent circuit, efficiency and speed control; synchronous motors, equations, phasor diagrams, speed control; power electronics; chopper and phase-controlled DC drives; and V/Hz control of AC motors.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: ELCN71025
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Elements of Design and Vertical Movement
In this course the student will study the elements of design for machines. The fundamentals of stress, strain, deflection, materials properties, failure theories, fatigue phenomena, fracture mechanics, finite element analysis, etc. will be covered. Treatments of specific common design elements used in elevators, escalators and moving sidewalks for buildings will be used as applications of the theories. Various types of elevators including hydraulic, traction and machine room-less systems will be investigated and applications for each will be studied.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: MATR72050
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $116.15
Project 3A - Electrical and Lighting
In this project the student will take the commercial building designed in the previous project and design lighting systems for various areas. Electrical loads for the building will be calculated and an electrical distribution system will be designed for the building, applying the requirements of the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC). Major electrical equipment such as transformers, distribution panels and load panels will be specified.
- Hours: 84
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: ELCN71025
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Differential Equations
Topics covered in this course include: methods of solving first-order differential equations; second-order linear equations with constant coefficients; higher-order linear equations with constant coefficients; systems of first order differential equations; Laplace transform and discontinuous forcing functions.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MATH71000 AND MATH71570
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $156.05
Heat Transfer and Refrigeration
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MECH73115
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options
View Program Option Electives
Microprocessors and Embedded Systems
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: PROG72355
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Artificial Intelligence
Topics in this course include: solving problems by searching (uninformed search algorithms, informed search algorithms, nonclassical search) and learning (regression and classification with linear models and artificial neural networks). The students will develop computer programs for solving a given problem using different searching methods and for simple character recognition using neural networks.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: PROG71985 OR PROG72355
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Finite Element Analysis
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MATR72050
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Digital Signal Processing
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MATH71000 AND MATH71570
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Advanced Technical Elective I
On an individual basis and through self-directed learning, students will select an area of specialized study involving engineering analysis, design, development and research. The area of study may be in product design, process design or process control. It may include a new design, design improvement/refinement or applied research. The study will be under the supervision of a faculty or industry mentor and may include industry-based projects or applied research with a multi-disciplinary approach. Students must approach faculty members regarding supervision in the term preceding the start of this course.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Advanced Technical Elective II
This course allows students to extend their previous self-study or research topic or to begin a new topic of interest. On an individual basis and through self-directed learning, students will select an area of specialized study involving engineering analysis, design, development and research. The area of study may be in product design, process design or process control. It may include a new design, design improvement/refinement or applied research. The study will be under the supervision of a faculty or industry mentor and may include industry-based projects or applied research with a multi-disciplinary approach. Students must approach faculty members regarding supervision in the term preceding the start of this course.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: ENGG74020 AND MECH74100
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Value Engineering and Life Cycle Costing
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Advanced Manufacturing Processes
Topics in this course include: manufacturing tolerances; advanced Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing concepts and their application; Coordinate Measuring Machines theoretical background and operation principles; machined surface condition measurement and parameters interpretation; non-conventional machining processes; lasers and their applications for material processing.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MANU72025
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Composite Materials
Topics in this course include: classification of modern composites, constituent materials and properties, composite mechanics including stress and strain criteria in laminae and analysis of laminates, design of composite structures, fracture of composites.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MANU72025 OR MATR71030 AND MATH73210 OR MATH73215
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Operations Management
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Introduction to Welding
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: MANU72025 OR MATR71030
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Level 8
Course details
Control Systems
Topics in this course include: fundamentals of feedback control using linear transfer function models; mathematical modeling and block diagrams; stability; system analysis using root locus and frequency diagrams; compensator design using root locus and frequency diagrams.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MATH73010 OR MATH73015
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Sensors and Instrumentation
Topics in this course include: typical sensors and instrumentation used in building environment monitoring and control, their interface circuits and electrical-signal characteristics; design of interface circuits and sensors; integration in building control systems; control systems wiring and safety practices.
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: ELCN71025
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Project 3B - Building Control Systems
In this project the student will take the commercial building designed in the previous project courses and develop a plan for the control of the various mechanical and electrical components of the building. Various Building Automation Systems (BAS) will be investigated. Control points for the building will be identified. Internet based building automation systems will be investigated and recommendations and specifications for the project building will be developed. A building HVAC control system will be designed, integrated and specified for the project building.
- Hours: 84
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: DSGN72250
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Energy Conversion and Renewable Energy
This course will describe the technologies used to convert fossil fuel and renewable energy sources into electricity and thermal energy for use in buildings. Topics covered in this course include: internal and external combustion engines; diesel, Rankin and Brayton cycles for power generation; fossil fuels, biomass and nuclear energy; wind turbines, solar photovoltaic energy; integration of energy systems with building systems, energy storage.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: CHEM72005 AND MECH73000 AND MECH73115 AND PHYS71020 AND PHYS71095 OR PHYS71105
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Commissioning, Operations and Data Analytics
This course will introduce the student to the processed involved in the commissioning of buildings and retro-commissioning. Operation and maintenance of HVAC, electrical and elevating systems will also be discussed. Students will process data and determine metrics for building system improvement and optimization.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: DSGN72260 AND DSGN73080 AND PROG72355
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Probability and Statistics
Topics in this course include: data summary and graphical display; data analysis methods; random variables and probability distributions; statistical inference: point estimation, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing; empirical model building; and design of engineering experiments.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MATH71570
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Level 9
Course details
Co-op Work Term 3 (BEng - Building Systems Engineering
- Hours: 420
- Credits: 14
- Pre-Requisites: CEPR71050
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Level 10
Course details
Hydronic Systems Design
In this course the student will apply principles of fluid mechanics to the design of piping systems for various building’s HVAC applications, including chilled and hot water and refrigerant lines as part of building systems designed to compensate for heat loss or gain through building envelope. Engineering best practice in hydronic system design will be applied based on ASHRAE recommendations and other supporting materials including computer-based design exercises with AFT-Fathom for hydraulic design and CAEPIPE programs for stress and flexibility analysis. Regulations and Design codes and standards based on ASME B31.9 (Buildings Piping System), ASME B31.5(Refrigeration Piping) and OBC (Ontario Building Code) will be discussed.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MECH72120 OR MECH72125 OR MECH72126 AND PHYS71095
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Capstone Project A
This is a two semester capstone engineering design project. In the first semester, students work individually and in small groups on defining project requirements and researching material that will aid with solutions. Students will then work in small teams and incorporate the subject of the research reports into a design involving a major Building System. This project will involve application of: Project Initiation and Management; Design Process; Concurrent engineering systems design; Design for construction and installation; Design to satisfy engineering, business and operation and maintenance criteria. Reports will include: Project Initiation; Feasibility and Proposal; Preliminary Modelling and Load Estimate; Design; Operation and Maintenance Requirements.
- Hours: 84
- Credits: 5
- Pre-Requisites: DSGN73090
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $238.60
Economics for Engineers
Engineering Economics is a requirement of the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board. Marketing and price determination. Project cash flows. Assessment of alternative investments/equipment/projects and determination of output decisions. Depreciation of equipment. Factors affecting decisions: Taxation, Inflation. Assessment and management of uncertainties and risk.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Law, Ethics and Professional Practice
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $304.90
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options
Interdisciplinary Elective Details
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options
View Program Option Electives
Microprocessors and Embedded Systems
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: PROG72355
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Artificial Intelligence
Topics in this course include: solving problems by searching (uninformed search algorithms, informed search algorithms, nonclassical search) and learning (regression and classification with linear models and artificial neural networks). The students will develop computer programs for solving a given problem using different searching methods and for simple character recognition using neural networks.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: PROG71985 OR PROG72355
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Finite Element Analysis
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MATR72050
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Digital Signal Processing
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MATH71000 AND MATH71570
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Advanced Technical Elective I
On an individual basis and through self-directed learning, students will select an area of specialized study involving engineering analysis, design, development and research. The area of study may be in product design, process design or process control. It may include a new design, design improvement/refinement or applied research. The study will be under the supervision of a faculty or industry mentor and may include industry-based projects or applied research with a multi-disciplinary approach. Students must approach faculty members regarding supervision in the term preceding the start of this course.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Advanced Technical Elective II
This course allows students to extend their previous self-study or research topic or to begin a new topic of interest. On an individual basis and through self-directed learning, students will select an area of specialized study involving engineering analysis, design, development and research. The area of study may be in product design, process design or process control. It may include a new design, design improvement/refinement or applied research. The study will be under the supervision of a faculty or industry mentor and may include industry-based projects or applied research with a multi-disciplinary approach. Students must approach faculty members regarding supervision in the term preceding the start of this course.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: ENGG74020 AND MECH74100
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Value Engineering and Life Cycle Costing
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Advanced Manufacturing Processes
Topics in this course include: manufacturing tolerances; advanced Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing concepts and their application; Coordinate Measuring Machines theoretical background and operation principles; machined surface condition measurement and parameters interpretation; non-conventional machining processes; lasers and their applications for material processing.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MANU72025
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Composite Materials
Topics in this course include: classification of modern composites, constituent materials and properties, composite mechanics including stress and strain criteria in laminae and analysis of laminates, design of composite structures, fracture of composites.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MANU72025 OR MATR71030 AND MATH73210 OR MATH73215
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Operations Management
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Introduction to Welding
- Hours: 56
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: MANU72025 OR MATR71030
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated resource cost: No resources required
Level 11
Course details
Financial and Managerial Accounting
Today’s technology employees need financial management skills to make decisions and manage projects within an organization. This introductory course for non-accounting students covers aspects of both financial accounting and management accounting. Students will be able to apply concepts of financial accounting to both personal and business situations, including the preparation and use of basic financial statements. Management accounting topics will allow the students to understand cost behaviour and its use in decision-making, evaluate capital investments, and prepare operating budgets.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Capstone Project B
This is the second semester of a year-long capstone engineering design project. Students work in groups depending on the report to be submitted. Students will incorporate their individual research reports into the design of a major Building System. This project will involve application of: Project Initiation and Management; Design Process; Concurrent engineering systems design; Design for construction and installation; Design to satisfy engineering, business and operation and maintenance criteria. Reports will include: Project Initiation; Feasibility and Proposal; Preliminary Modelling and Load Estimate; Design; Operation and Maintenance Requirements.
- Hours: 84
- Credits: 4
- Pre-Requisites: DSGN74090
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Energy Management, Planning and Modelling
This course outlines how to implement an energy management system and to analyse energy savings measures improving building performance and reducing economic and environmental impacts. Topics covered in this course include: fundamentals of energy management; codes and regulations in relation to lighting, water and HVAC; effect of climate and extreme environmental conditions; equipment selection based on lifecycle costing; utility distribution structures and deregulation for electricity and natural gas; utility usage and projections; advanced energy modeling software for determining energy efficiency; energy policies, processes, targets and measuring methods; baseline energy performance indicators for improving energy performance; and internal benchmarking, measuring and documenting for improving energy performance.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: ECON74000 AND ENGG73000
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Fluid Dynamics and Turbo Machinery
This course covers turbo-machines in which energy is transferred either to or from a continuously flowing fluid by the dynamic action of moving blades. This includes centrifugal pumps, fans and compressors used in building systems, and turbines used for electrical generation. Compressible and incompressible flow will be studied. Efficiency and flow/pressure characteristics will be investigated.
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites: MECH72125 OR MECH72126 AND MECH73115
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Topics in Management
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.
Science, Technology and Society
- Hours: 42
- Credits: 3
- Pre-Requisites:
- CoRequisites:
- Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options
Interdisciplinary Elective Details
Please note:
Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs are based on the most recent available data through the Conestoga Campus Store.
Program outcomes
- Apply university level mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering fundamentals to solve engineering problems involving building systems.
- Apply critical thinking to identify, formulate, analyze, and solve complex engineering problems to reach substantiated conclusions that are supported by appropriate research.
- Conduct investigations relating to natural science, mechanical, and building systems using methods that incorporate appropriate research and experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to reach substantiated conclusions.
- Creatively transform ideas and concepts into robust engineering solutions that meet stakeholder/occupant requirements specifically considering health and safety risks, applicable standards and codes, and economic, environmental, cultural and societal constraints.
- Design, model, analyze, simulate, implement, and integrate building systems using concurrent design principles to realize solutions that conform to design specifications and stakeholder/occupant requirements ensuring compatibility with current industry equipment and trends.
- Create, select, adapt, and develop appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering tools for the design, analysis, simulation, evaluation, and implementation of building systems, and apply them appropriately giving consideration to their associated limitations.
- Apply concepts of human relations and organizational behaviour to establish and maintain effective relationships using leadership, interpersonal, group dynamics and conflict resolution skills across diverse teams and groups.
- Communicate complex engineering concepts within the profession and with society at large using oral, graphic and print media methods to produce effective reports, design documentation, and instructions.
- Interpret and adhere to professional, ethical, and legal codes of practice in compliance with industrial, labour and environmental legislation to protect the public and public interest.
- Apply the concepts of sustainability, environmental stewardship, and an awareness of societal impacts, including an appreciation for the interactions and uncertainties involved, to design and development activities.
- Apply professional ethics, accountability and equity to demonstrate value, and respect of diversity across global, and societal contexts.
- Integrate engineering skills and knowledge with current business practices to manage risk and contractual obligations, and provide economically sound engineering solutions.
- Effectively manage enterprise resources through planning, organizing, staffing, directing, motivating, leading, monitoring and controlling.
- Identify and address individual needs for continuing education and professional development to maintain technical and professional competence and to contribute to the advancement of knowledge