Occupational Therapist Assistant & Physiotherapist Assistant

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Courses - September 2025

Level 1

Course details

Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology

Description: This course will focus on the basic structure and function of the human body from a systems perspective. Students will develop an understanding of normal human function required to recognize common illnesses and disease processes relevant to the OTA & PTA.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.

College Reading & Writing Skills

Description: This course introduces students to the reading, writing, and critical thinking skills needed for academic and workplace success. Students will analyse a variety of texts and apply the steps of planning, writing, and revising to produce writing that meets the expectations of selected audiences and purposes. The course prepares students for college-level writing tasks, research, and documentation by asking them to produce clear, informed, and purposeful documents relevant to both academic and professional contexts.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Conestoga 101

Description: This self-directed course focuses on introducing new students to the supports, services, and opportunities available at Conestoga College. By the end of this course, students will understand the academic expectations of the Conestoga learning environment, as well as the supports available to ensure their academic success. Students will also be able to identify on-campus services that support their health and wellness, and explore ways to get actively involved in the Conestoga community through co-curricular learning opportunities.
  • Hours: 1
  • Credits: 0
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Safety in the Workplace

Description: This course focuses on developing awareness and skills for the student to safely manage and conduct him or herself within a variety of employment settings. Through the units of the course, participants will have the opportunity to enhance their understanding and knowledge of general Health and Safety guidelines, including WHMIS, Fire Safety and Workplace Violence. The unit on Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act will instruct the student on the requirements for Accessible Customer Service and Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulations. General information on Safe Driving, Privacy of Information and Hand Washing will be addressed as well. The course also provides participants with critical information regarding their insurance coverage (WSIB or other) while employed. As well as guidelines to follow in the event of an injury. Participants will receive a printable Record of Completion upon successful conclusion of this course, in order to demonstrate awareness of safe working practices to their employers.
  • Hours: 14
  • Credits: 1
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Anatomy of Movement

Description: The student will be introduced to the structure and function of the key body systems involved in human movement. The course will focus on the skeletal, muscular and peripheral nervous systems and will include gross and surface anatomy. Students will learn to inspect, palpate and move the structures of the body, enabling them to appreciate the three-dimensional nature of the body and its movement potential.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.

Orientation to Rehabilitation


This course will provide students with the foundations for a career in a healthcare or rehabilitation setting. Using a combination of lecture and small group case-based learning approaches, students will explore philosophical, professional, and ethical concepts in rehabilitation that support the role of assistants in occupational therapy and physiotherapy. Students will also be introduced to basic medical terminology and clinical documentation skills important for communication within an interprofessional team.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.

Fundamentals of Patient Care

Description: This course integrates theory and lab activities to give the student the foundational skills to ensure safe client contact. Building on the knowledge of the human body learned in Anatomy courses, students will apply knowledge of the muscular and skeletal systems to movement of the human body. Students will learn the techniques and tools used to handle, position, and transfer clients across the lifespan, and will be instructed on standard or routine practices necessary for safety in the workplace.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.

Electives: General Education
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options

Level 2

Course details

Interpersonal Skills and Therapeutic Relationships

Description: This course will provide students with the essential principles and skills of interpersonal communication required to establish effective relationships with clients, families and other health care professionals. An emphasis on self-awareness, active listening skills, conflict management, cultural diversity and maintenance of professional boundaries will be included and basic competencies supportive of collaborative practice will be integrated throughout the course. Role play and simulation of clinical situations with standardized patients will be employed to enable students to apply theory and practice skills and to reflect on their experiences while developing these skills.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: OPA1010 OR OPA1015
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Practice Skills - Foundations of Occupational Therapy


This integrated lecture and lab course provides an introduction to relevant theory, principles and basic clinical skills for occupational therapy practice. Students will develop an understanding of the relationship between an individual and their occupational participation and the contexts in which they occur. Theory lectures and practical skill labs will provide students with an opportunity to apply core concepts such as activity analysis, grading, adapting, and the teaching and learning process to support participation in basic activities of daily living and environmental accessibility.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: ANAT1070 OR PNUR1035 AND OPA1000 AND OPA1010 OR OPA1015 AND OPA1020
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $94.00

Practice Skills - Modalities


Students will rely on their knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathology while studying the major uses of, rationale for and precautions and contradictions for the therapeutic modalities most commonly used by the PTA. Skills involved in preparation for, application of and observation of patient response to the modalities will be acquired in a lab setting.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: ANAT1070 OR PNUR1035 AND OPA1000 AND OPA1010 OR OPA1015 AND OPA1020
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Practice Skills - Exercise

Description: This course introduces the student to therapeutic exercise, the most common intervention used in Physical Therapy care plans. Using an integrated approach to theory and practice, students will gain an understanding of the rationale for various exercise techniques. They will learn to utilize and adapt exercise techniques and tools safely and effectively within the scope of the PTA.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: ANAT1070 OR PNUR1035 AND OPA1000 AND OPA1020
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Health Conditions I

Description: This course introduces the student to a variety of health conditions that are commonly managed by occupational therapy and physiotherapy. Pathology, etiology, prevalence, clinical signs and symptoms of common health conditions will be discussed to understand how impairment in body function and structures can limit activity and restrict participation. Students will concurrently develop a general understanding of the medical, surgical, pharmacological and rehabilitation management for these health conditions and recognize how this knowledge can be used to support and optimize client outcomes.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: ANAT1070 OR PNUR1035 AND OPA1000 AND OPA1010 OR OPA1015 AND OPA1020
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $70.00

Field Placement Preparation


This course prepares students for OTA & PTA clinical fieldwork placements in a variety of healthcare settings. It covers essential skills, knowledge, and professional behaviours required during field placements. Students will learn about communication, collaboration, documentation, professionalism, and expectations of clinical placements. It will introduce students to Work Integrated Learning requirements and required documentation for time keeping, creating effective learning goals, self-assessment, and evaluation. Successful completion of this mandatory course is required prior to attending clinical fieldwork experiences in the OTA PTA program.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: OPA1015 AND OPA1020
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Electives: General Education
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options

Level 3

Course details

Field Placement II (Occupational & Physiotherapy Assistant )


In this placement students will gain greater autonomy as they continue to apply the knowledge they have acquired in previous and concurrent coursework. They will further develop their communication and profession-specific skills as they learn under the supervision of a Registered OT, Registered PT or formally trained OTA/PTA.

  • Hours: 75
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: OPA1200 AND OPA1225 OR OPA1227 AND OPA1235 OR OPA1237 AND OPA1245 OR OPA1247 AND OPA1250 OR OPA1255
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.

Advanced Practice Skills for OTA

Description: This integrated lecture and lab course expands on the foundations of occupational therapy and focuses on practicing and applying advanced therapeutic interventions within the scope of the OTA to address activity limitations and participation restrictions. Instruction will be provided on the safe application, fabrication or modification of assistive devices, splinting, adaptive computer technology or seating and mobility devices to address complex sensory-motor, cognitive-perceptual and socio-emotional needs across the lifespan.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: OPA1225 OR OPA1227 AND OPA1235 OR OPA1237 AND OPA1245 OR OPA1247
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.

Advanced Practice Skills for PTA


This integrated lecture and lab course will prepare students for entry to practice as they apply advanced therapeutic exercise and modalities interventions within the role of the PTA. Students will rely on their knowledge of anatomy, kinesiology and pathology from previous coursework and clinical experience as they further develop the skills needed to ensure that they are able to perform assigned interventions, observe and evaluate the client’s response and report to the supervising therapist.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: OPA1225 OR OPA1227 AND OPA1235 OR OPA1237 AND OPA1245 OR OPA1247
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.

Communication Disorders


This course will introduce students to communication disorders which occur throughout the lifespan and practical strategies for effective communication with individuals who have communication disorders. Students will be exposed to a variety of augmentative and alternative communication approaches used to facilitate the clients’ communication. Students will also examine common feeding and swallowing disorders and strategies for assisting those with feeding and swallowing problems.

  • Hours: 28
  • Credits: 2
  • Pre-Requisites: OPA1200 AND OPA1250 OR OPA1255
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.

Practice Skills - Mental Health Concepts


This course introduces the student to commonly encountered mental health conditions and develops the skills and knowledge necessary to respond therapeutically within the parameters of the OTA/PTA role. Core mental health concepts, key models and skills for enhancing therapeutic relationships are explored.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: OPA1200 AND OPA1225 OR OPA1227
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.

Health Conditions II

Description: This course expands on the knowledge from Health Conditions I by introducing more medically complex conditions that may also include cognitive and mental health issues. Pathology, etiology, prevalence, clinical signs and symptoms of more complex health conditions will be discussed to reinforce understanding of how impairment in body function and structures can limit activity and restrict participation. Students will concurrently develop a general understanding of the medical, surgical, pharmacological and rehabilitation management for these conditions and recognize how this knowledge can be used to support and optimize client outcomes.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: OPA1200 AND OPA1225 OR OPA1227 AND OPA1235 OR OPA1237 AND OPA1245 OR OPA1247 AND OPA1250 OR OPA1255
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.

Electives: General Education
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options

Level 4

Course details

Field Placement III (Occupational & Physiotherapy Assistant)


By the end of this clinical practice experience, students will have achieved entry level status as OTA/PTAs. Throughout this experience they will continue to develop the professional behaviours and skills required for the workplace. They will consolidate their knowledge and skills across the previous semesters by completing a comprehensive objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) to demonstrate the competency required to practice as an OTA/PTA.

  • Hours: 450
  • Credits: 15
  • Pre-Requisites: FPLT2230 OR OPA2100 AND OPA2115 OR OPA2117 AND OPA2130 AND OPA2140 AND OPA2155
  • CoRequisites: OPA2210
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Professional and Interprofessional Issues


This course will address issues dealing with the transition from student to practitioner. Students will be challenged to utilize theory and clinical knowledge from preceding semesters as they explore relevant issues related to the current role of the OTA&PTA in an interdisciplinary health care environment.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: FPLT2230 OR OPA2100 AND OPA2115 OR OPA2117 AND OPA2125 OR OPA2127 AND OPA2130 AND OPA2140 AND OPA2155
  • CoRequisites: FPLT2240
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Please note:

Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs are based on the most recent available data through the Conestoga Campus Store.

Program outcomes

  1. Communicate appropriately and effectively, through verbal, nonverbal, written and electronic means, with clients, their significant others, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, and members of the interdisciplinary health care team and others.
  2. Participate in the effective functioning of interdisciplinary health care teams to optimize client physical and occupational functions.
  3. Establish, develop, maintain, and conclude client-centred, therapeutic relationships.
  4. Promote a safe environment that prevents or minimizes potential physical or mental harm to the client, therapist assistant and others.
  5. Practice in a legal, ethical, and professional manner within the role of a therapist assistant.
  6. Document client records in a thorough, objective, accurate, and timely manner within the role of the therapist assistant.
  7. Engage in reflective practice and ongoing professional development activities to maintain and enhance competence.
  8. Perform the roles and responsibilities of the therapist assistant effectively through the application of relevant knowledge of health sciences, psychosocial sciences, health conditions, resource management, and clinical procedures.
  9. Contribute to the occupational therapist's or physiotherapist's assessment of the client and the development, implementation and modification of intervention/treatment plans.
  10. Maximize the client’s occupational performance by accurately and safely implementing the interventions, and related tasks under the direction and supervision of the occupational therapist.
  11. Maximize the client’s physical function by accurately and safely implementing the interventions, and related tasks under the direction and supervision of the physiotherapist.