Strategic Marketing Communications

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Courses - September 2025

Level 1

Course details

Advertising for Integrated Marketing Communications

Description: This course explores the principles of advertising and promotion for products and services in business-to- consumer and business-to-business markets as a part of integrated marketing communications. An emphasis on both offline and online approaches to planning, implementing and evaluating advertising and promotional activities prepares students to create balanced and effective plans. Students are introduced to promotions, point of purchase, direct response, and media planning techniques.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $72.20

Writing Essentials

Description: Employers in the marketing communications field expect a high level of competence in English writing. This course emphasizes a solid foundation in English writing skills with a focus on grammar, punctuation, and proper sentence structure. Students expand their English vocabulary and ability to write more complex information through a variety of writing and reading exercises which support the writing requirements in a graduate level program, and in the communications field.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Conestoga 101

Description: This self-directed course focuses on introducing new students to the supports, services, and opportunities available at Conestoga College. By the end of this course, students will understand the academic expectations of the Conestoga learning environment, as well as the supports available to ensure their academic success. Students will also be able to identify on-campus services that support their health and wellness, and explore ways to get actively involved in the Conestoga community through co-curricular learning opportunities.
  • Hours: 1
  • Credits: 0
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.


Description: This course explores marketing principles with an overview of the marketing process from product or service development up to launch/promotion with a focus on the analytical techniques useful to marketing management. Students explore the factors a marketer will consider when introducing a new or extended product or service, learn how to analyze the public response to products and services, and assess how new and emerging technologies are used in the marketing planning and evaluation processes. The social, economic, geographic, legal and competitive issues that impact product development, packaging, and distribution channels are examined.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Strategic Planning

Description: This course explores the application of a strategic approach to integrated communications planning to create a unifying discipline that maximizes communications impact on consumer awareness, attitude and behaviour. Students learn to create links between corporate planning and integrated communications planning.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Public Relations

Description: Public relations is a strategic approach to conducting business that encompasses at its core the reputation of the organization and its relationships with various stakeholders including internal and external publics. Students explore a variety of disciplines within the public relations field including corporate communications, community relations, media relations, issues management and marketing communications. Public relations can play a supporting role to marketing initiatives in a consumer-focused environment or it can play a leading role laying the groundwork for relationships important in both private sector and not-for-profit organizations. The ethical codes of conduct followed by professionals in the industry are assessed for their application to real world ethical dilemmas. As students explore the principles of public relations as an effective management strategy, they learn how to develop campaigns and programs as part of an integrated communications strategy.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $65.00

Advanced Presentations

Description: This course builds upon presentation skills, with a focus on how to present an integrated communications plan to either external or internal clients. Public speaking, crisis communications and use of non-traditional multimedia are explored.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.

Secondary Research for Communications Professionals

Description: This course is an introduction to the core principles of research, and their relevance and importance to strategic planning and informed decision making. The focus for this course is on secondary research. Instruction on how to access the industry-standard databases and resources is emphasized.
  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Level 2

Course details

Digital Tools and Analytics 1

Description: This course introduces students to a variety of industry standard and emerging digital tools used in marketing communications with an emphasis on the business use of social media networks and social media marketing. Students focus on how to integrate online tactics with offline strategies as a part of marketing communications planning that understands audience expectations and meets client needs. Students explore tools that manage online activity, tracking and analysis and are introduced to a variety of tools that support online activity such as public relations/customer relation management, sales tracking, email marketing, behavioural advertising, and inbound marketing. Students are introduced to topics such as navigation structure and keywords that enhance website search engine optimization and search engine marketing. The ethics of online marketing communications strategy is also emphasized.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Corporate Communications 1

Description: Students learn the art and science of communicating messages within a corporate environment. An emphasis is placed on writing concise, grammatically correct copy for a variety of forms of business communications, from emails to business reports. An emphasis is placed on how to frame and respond in a variety of business settings with a focus on the communications field. The value of a writing plan is emphasized and practiced.
  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Budgets and Finance for Communicators


This course prepares students to develop and write clear budget proposals and present them using persuasive advocacy skills. It trains learners to properly determine the cost of various strategies and develop project, tactical and operating marketing budgets for an integrated communications plan. Through project management techniques, the learner evaluates capital investments, cost behaviour and the return on investment to meet client needs.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Creative Strategies: Media Tools 1

Description: This course explores current strategies and technologies used in the integrated communications environment, focused on visual communications. Students learn ways to generate ideas to create visual, digital and print content using industry standard software and new digital technologies as they emerge.
  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Branding Strategy

Description: Students develop a clear, comprehensive branding strategy for a new product or service to demonstrate their understanding that a brand is much more than a name or logo differentiating a corporate identity. A brand is the totality of how consumers see, experience, feel about and respond to a product or service in the marketplace. This course considers how effective branding is the strategic glue that holds an IMC plan together; it ensures the desired consumer messaging - and most relevant means of engagement - are integral to every point of public contact.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Primary Research for Communications Professionals

Description: Building of the research process skills developed in Secondary Research for Communications Professionals, this course focuses on primary research (Quantitative and Qualitative), as it relates to the integrated communications field. Students explore diverse research methodologies and conduct a variety of primary research projects that are designed to be integrated with other classes throughout the semester. The goal is to empower students with primary consumer insights that can be used for analysis and informed decision making.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: RSCH8060
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Level 3

Course details

Digital Tools and Analytics II

Description: This course builds on the introductory nature of the Digital Marketing and Analytics course in first semester. There is a stronger emphasis on reporting and analytics, search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM) and other emerging forms of digital and content marketing. A combination of strategic and creative tools such as blogs and podcasts are evaluated. Students enhance their understanding of the appropriate use and measurement of online promotional activities in support of integrated marketing communications strategy.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites: ADVT8120 OR ADVT8121
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Business with International Applications

Description: This course provides a starting point to understanding the functions of business and the similarities and differences between Canadian business and business operations in other countries. Economic systems and forms of business organization are evaluated. Students examine the major functions of business (management, human resources, production, marketing and finance) in the Canadian environment and compared to the international environment.
  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $77.00

Corporate Communications 2

Description: This course continues to build writing skills as students learn the process of developing creative copy for targeted communications materials. Students develop strategic and creative messages, learn to collaborate with designers and photographers, and are exposed to print or publishing requirements as part of the process. Assignments integrate the skills students are learning in the Multi-Media and Digital Tools courses for the implementation of a variety of corporate collateral, both print and online.
  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites: COMM8071
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Integrated Marketing Communications

Description: This course emphasizes how to integrate key concepts related to an IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications) framework into a targeted plan. Students use communication concepts, creative approaches, and media alternatives to prepare a plan for a live client. Strategic planning across disciplines is emphasized.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Creative Strategies: Media Tools 2

Description: This course builds on skills learned in Creative Strategies and Multimedia Tools 1 with a focus on advanced production of digital visual communications using industry standard software. Video creation and production for online applications, including social media, event and trade show presentations are explored at a more advanced level. An introduction to website design exposes students to basic coding which enables them to produce a simple site with full functionality on desktop and fully responsive design for mobile applications.
  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Project Management

Description: Even brilliant strategic vision is worthless without solid execution. This course embraces this mantra and equips students to plan, organize, manage and evaluate the myriad projects driving a successful IMC campaign. It examines mainstream project management models and resources, and challenges students to apply these tools effectively in the development of detailed project management plans for specific initiatives within various media.
  • Hours: 28
  • Credits: 2
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Event Planning

Description: A well-executed event is a powerful tactical component of an integrated marketing communications strategy. In this course, students learn how to plan, organized, manage and evaluate projects and events in the implementation of integrated marketing communications plans. Students are challenged to apply project management principles in the development and execution of a corporate event they envision and plan.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Level 4

Course details

Business Ethics and Leadership

Description: This course introduces students to ethical principles and theoretical models that can and should be applied in IMC/corporate communications practices. Ethical dilemmas confronting communications professionals are explored and evaluated to enable students to create strategies and tactics that align with the ethical values of organizations. Students explore the qualities of effective leadership and the variety of decision-making models used by industry professionals. Students assess their own approach to leadership and reflect on their own styles and how that could impact their career aspirations. Debate, discussion, presentation, and reflection in class contributes to the student's growing awareness of these important topics.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Communications Professional Development


Employers in the Communications sector seek both Generalists and Specialists who can add value to their organization. This course focuses on enabling students to navigate the recruitment process, build a network, develop a personal brand, and create a personal Professional Development Plan specifically targeted toward the unique needs of the Communications sector. By the end of this course, students will have created a portfolio of work selected from the skills developed in the SMC program for use in their post-graduation job search.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.


Description: This course introduces students to the sales process for both business-to-business and business-to-customer transactions. Students learn strategies for selling creative concepts through numerous role playing exercises. Students examine the negotiation process and strategic approaches to develop, strengthen, and manage customer relationships.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: Not available at this time.



In this course, you will engage in a capstone project that will reflect a culmination and demonstration of your learning and skill development throughout the Strategic Marketing and Communications program. Delivered in a workshop style format, you will develop an integrated marketing communication plan for an assigned case, including the research, analysis, strategy, and proof of concept. Over the first portion of the course, you will focus on research, analysis, ideation, and strategy formation for your capstone project. Then you will finalize your plan and develop a proof of concept under the guidance of an assigned mentor. The course concludes with a final cumulative evaluation where you will present your work to a panel of faculty and practitioners.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Media Relations and Crisis Communications


This course will prepare you to develop earned media resources as part of your marketing mix through a practical understanding of how to engage and build relationships with traditional media, digital media outlets and social media influencers. You will develop your media literacy skills and be able to identify what makes news by applying the common criteria found in most earned media stories. You will learn how to uncover news in your own organizations and how to scan external sources to be part of wider public discussion to generate content for websites, social media and other communications channels. Lastly, you will explore the requirements of crisis communications plan with the intent of protecting and preserving an organization’s reputation.

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites: PRLN8100 OR PRLN8101
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Please note:

Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs are based on the most recent available data through the Conestoga Campus Store.

Program outcomes

  1. Develop, write, and present clear, targeted integrated marketing communications materials including proposals and client pitches using persuasive advocacy skills.
  2. Develop and contribute to the implementation of integrated marketing communication plans by incorporating knowledge of, and the historical and emerging practices of strategic planning, public relations, marketing, and digital advertising that align with overall organizational goals and mission.
  3. Complete all work in accordance with codes of professional ethics, relevant law, and safety.
  4. Conduct secondary and primary research to support the development of measureable objectives, communication strategies and tactics as well as the identification and description of targeted markets and publics.
  5. Develop project, tactical and operating budgets using tools that evaluate capital investments and analyze cost behavior to meet client needs.
  6. Produce, and co-ordinate the production of visually effective print and graphic, digital, and multi-media communications using industry standard technologies.
  7. Write and edit clear, targeted copy for a variety of media channels, including offline and online content, as well as marketing and business applications aligned to organizational objectives and which engage a specific target, adapting language, tone and presentation style to the situation, on deadline.
  8. Apply project management techniques and software to develop and execute a project plan using a variety of methods to assess the execution and evaluate the return on investment.
  9. Enhance personal and professional development by working effectively and safely within the broader business environment, developing and managing relationships with key internal and external stakeholders, and in accordance with relevant professional association standards.
  10. Determine strategies for developing new products and services that are consistent with evolving market needs.
  11. Resolve specific advertising and marketing communications challenges.
  12. Compare strategic marketing communications principles and practices that address diverse stakeholders and different international/global cultural and business models.
  13. Distinguish between the disciplines of marketing, sales, advertising, public relations, and branding in the development of strategic plans.
  14. Critique the effective management of a professional selling practice using methods that qualify potential clients, compare core selling/communications/negotiation techniques.
  15. Incorporate adequate practices for the assessment of appropriate vendor selection criteria, identification of internal and external clients, and the development of professional working relationships with both in the planning and execution of marketing communications strategies