
Different types of leaves are available to employees, based on role. Please select your role below for more information.

Professional Development Leave for Academic and Administrative employees

For academic and administrative employees, Professional Development Leave is relief from college duties for a period of up to 12 months. The purpose of the leave is to pursue college-approved academic, technical, industrial or other pursuits where such activities will enhance the ability of the employee upon return to the college. 

Conditions for eligibility

  • Academic Professional Development Leaves are normally granted for either a full year or for one 4-month term. Exceptions are negotiated as appropriate.
  • This program is open to academic employees who have been full-time members of the college for a period of not less than six years.
  • Applications for the Professional Development Leave that have been supported by the applicant's supervisor and Dean/AVP are to be submitted in writing to HR Total Rewards @ Conestoga with a copy to the applicant's supervisor at least six months before the start of the leave.
  • Applications must clearly outline how the objective(s) will be met and all information on the application form must be completed.
  • The salary paid to the employee will be based on the following scale: 55% of the employee's base salary increasing by five percent per year after six years of employment with the college concerned to a maximum of 80% of the employee's base salary after eleven (11) years. It is understood that the college's payment is subject to reduction if the aggregate of the college's payment and compensation or payments from other sources during the period exceeds the amount of the employee's base salary. The amount and conditions of payment will be pro-rated for shorter leaves.
  • Successful applicants must return to the college for a period of at least one year following the end of the leave.
  • Applications are reviewed by Human Resources in consultation with Professional Development.
  • As outlined in the Academic Collective Agreement, the college may, but is not required to, consider an application from an employee who has commenced a Professional Development Leave within the preceding seven (7) years.
  • To apply, please submit the Professional Development Leave Application Form (pdf).
  • Academic or Administrative employees who have questions about Professional Development Leave can contact HR Total Rewards @ Conestoga.
Developmental Leave for Support Staff

Intended for support staff, a Developmental Leave is relief from college duties usually for a period of one to 12 months. The purpose of the leave is to pursue developmental activities to further academic or technical skills where such activities will enhance the ability of the employee upon return to the college.

This program is open to support staff employees who have been full time employees of the college for a period of not less than six years.

To apply, submit a written statement to Human Resources, with a copy to the applicant's supervisor which contains: 

  • a detailed statement about the nature of the proposed leave,
  • the perceived benefit to the college, and
  • the perceived benefit to the employee.

The submission must be received at least six months prior to the commencement of the leave. 

It is clearly understood the college may grant a Developmental Leave to support staff with pay, without pay, or in some combination thereof, at its sole discretion. Potential applicants are advised to consult Article 9.3 of the Collective Agreement (pdf) for specific details regarding these leaves. 

Successful applicants must return to the college for a period of at least one year following the end of the leave. 

For more information, please contact Human Resources.