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Courses - September 2024

Level 1

Course details

Conestoga 101

Description: This self-directed course focuses on introducing new students to the supports, services, and opportunities available at Conestoga College. By the end of this course, students will understand the academic expectations of the Conestoga learning environment, as well as the supports available to ensure their academic success. Students will also be able to identify on-campus services that support their health and wellness, and explore ways to get actively involved in the Conestoga community through co-curricular learning opportunities.
  • Hours: 1
  • Credits: 0
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Systems Concepts, Analysis and Design


In order to develop large business information systems, or to develop systems in teams, special methodologies are required to ensure system goals are met, and that the project is developed on time and within budget. Students will complete case studies in order to learn agile and iterative development, and Object-Oriented Analysis using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Emphasis will be placed on current industry best practices, documentation and presentation skills in a team environment.

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Programming: Software Development Techniques

Description: Students use an object-oriented language to develop software solutions to solve business problems. Assignments illustrate the concepts of variables, decisions, scope, functions, repetition, and arrays. Problem solving techniques such as flowcharting and pseudo code are emphasized in order to develop business solutions. Students are required to use best practices to test and debug their projects.
  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Programming: Web Design and Development


This course introduces the student to web applications development. Students apply best practices of user interface design to the development of web sites. Assignments illustrate the use of client side scripting to validate web forms. A server side scripting language is used together with a database to implement business solutions that save and process data.

  • Hours: 70
  • Credits: 5
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Programming: Database Management


Websites, web, mobile and other applications require data to be persisted to a database in order to facilitate eCommerce and client interactivity. Students will learn how to design and build relational databases, and manipulate them using Structured Query Language (SQL). Business Intelligence Services, reporting and database administration will be introduced. The knowledge and skills learned in this course can be adapted to other database products and SQL dialects.

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Web Foundations


In order to promote market appeal and a strong user experience, websites and web applications require user-friendly and appealing front ends. Students develop skills to support these characteristics, including facility with coding HTML, XHTML, and CSS, as well as the insertion of graphics and video into web sites.

  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Level 2

Course details

Co-op and Career Preparation

Description: This series of modules will prepare graduate certificate students for job searching for their co-op work terms with the guidance of a Co-op Advisor. Students will familiarize themselves with the co-operative education policies and procedures and will learn the expectations, rules, and regulations that apply in the workplace regarding social, organizational, ethical, and safety issues while deepening their awareness of self- reflective practices. Students will critically reflect on their skills, attitudes, and expectations and evaluate available opportunities in the workplace. Successful completion of these modules is a requirement for co-op eligibility.
  • Hours: 14
  • Credits: 1
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

System Development Project

Description: Students perform case studies in which they analyze real life examples of deliverables from all phases of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The studies will draw on such areas as analytical models, human factors, security, software testing and entrepreneurship. Concurrent with the case studies, small groups of students work as a project team to plan, design, code, document and install a custom computer application as assigned by the instructor.
  • Hours: 84
  • Credits: 6
  • Pre-Requisites: INFO8001 OR INFO8003 AND PROG8021 OR PROG8025 OR PROG8255 AND PROG8080 OR PROG8081 OR PROG8083 AND PROG8541 OR PROG8543
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Culture, Roles and Structure in Digital Industries

Description: As the digital industry has grown and broadened with new technologies, goals, skills and careers, it is increasingly important for graduates of software development programs to understand the opportunities and challenges of the modern workplace. In this course, students will work through case studies to learn about organizational structure, software development roles, current best practices for inclusivity and professional etiquette as they relate to the digital industry.
  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Programming: Mobile Application Development

Description: In this course, the student plans, designs and builds mobile applications. Native, mobile web and hybrid applications are explored and developed.
  • Hours: 56
  • Credits: 4
  • Pre-Requisites: PROG8010 OR PROG8011 AND PROG8021 OR PROG8025 OR PROG8255 AND PROG8080 OR PROG8081 OR PROG8083 AND PROG8541 OR PROG8543
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Microsoft Web Technologies

Description: In order to build web sites and web applications that are interactive, particularly for the purpose of eCommerce, such software must be interactive, dynamic and must have the ability to persist user information. In this course students develop such web applications using ASP.NET. Students create dynamic web pages which read data from a relational database, and also pages which update data on a relational database with information provided by the user through a web form. Students use application-wide variables, code and style sheets, object-oriented constructs, classes, and session variables.
  • Hours: 70
  • Credits: 5
  • Pre-Requisites: PROG8010 OR PROG8011 AND PROG8540 OR PROG8541 OR PROG8543
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: $84.20

Electives: Program Option
Student must pass 1 Course(s), selected in the Student Portal from available course options

View Program Option Electives

Please note that all courses may not be offered in all semesters. Go to your student portal for full timetabling details under "My Courses".

User Experience Design


Because of the growing diversity of digital devices and user interface technologies, and the increasingly competitive nature of the software industry, high-tech companies have come to understand the growing importance of the User Experience. In this course, students are introduced to best current practices in interactive design, and will solve a series of design problems which draw on different types of devices and varying types of navigation controls, as applied to business and commercial applications. Students will consider competition, target markets, business models and technical challenges in order to gather requirements, and to storyboard and document interface designs.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated resource cost: No resources required

Software Quality


Quality is a critical factor in determining the success of digital products with respect to commercial viability, functionality and security. In this course, students will explore various techniques and methodologies for testing and improving software quality at different stages of the development cycle.

  • Hours: 42
  • Credits: 3
  • Pre-Requisites:
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated resource cost: No resources required

Level 3

Course details

Co-op Work Term CAD

Description: This co-op work term will provide students with college-approved work experience in an authentic, professionally relevant work environment. Students will be provided the opportunity to connect theory and practice by leveraging their academic knowledge to develop specialized vocational skills. The practical applications of this work term will promote students’ awareness of key concepts and terminology in their field, improve their competencies in problem-solving and decision-making, further their application of professional judgement, hone their leadership skills (independently or as part of team), and enhance their capacity to critically analyze and reflect on their demonstrated abilities in the workplace.
  • Hours: 420
  • Credits: 14
  • Pre-Requisites: CDEV1020 OR CEPR8200
  • CoRequisites:
  • Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs: No cost.

Please note:

Estimated required text and/or learning resource costs are based on the most recent available data through the Conestoga Campus Store.

Program outcomes

  1. Develop software solutions for a variety of business problems to meet business requirements
  2. Analyze current and relevant advances in computing solutions to meet market demands
  3. Analyze system requirements for a variety of computer applications in order to develop an optimal solution to meet client needs
  4. Design solution architecture based on system specifications according to industry best practices
  5. Troubleshoot software solutions to ensure proper software integration process
  6. Use different platforms to deploy effective computing solutions
  7. Create databases in order to enable flexible data driven applications according to current industry trends
  8. Use web or mobile technologies to develop interactive, scalable multi-tier applications
  9. Communicate and collaborate with teammates and stakeholders to ensure effective working relationships