Health insurance & medical care

Staying healthy is important to your overall success as a student. Conestoga College offers comprehensive health insurance and medical services for international students.

All in-country, full-time students have access to both the Conestoga International Health Insurance Plan (CIHIP) and the CSI Extended Health and Dental Plan. These plans are administrated by Conestoga Students Inc. (CSI). For more information, visit CSI Health & Dental.

Emergency health insurance coverage begins four (4) weeks before the start of your term or the day you arrive in Canada, whichever comes later. Emergency coverage is only available to students in Ontario.

Important note: pre-existing health conditions, such as pregnancy, diabetes, and other health-related diagnoses made before your arrival, are not covered by the college’s health insurance plan(s). Students are responsible for paying Canadian healthcare service providers directly for all healthcare and treatment costs related to these pre-existing conditions without reimbursement from the college-issued health insurance plan(s).

If you have questions about your health insurance, please email

Medical & health care services

As an international student, it is important to be aware of medical and health care services available to you both on and off campus.

On-campus services

Conestoga College has various supports and services for your health and well-being.      

Medical Care Clinic

  • Immunization
  • Prescriptions, medications and renewals
  • Lab services
  • Sexual health and information
  • Skin conditions
  • Visit Medical Care

Counselling Services

  • Stress management
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Family concerns
  • Visit Counselling

Off-campus services

In addition to the numerous healthcare providers on-campus, you may choose to seek community providers.

Medical clinics

When sick, your first stop is a medical clinic – if you are not able to access the on-campus clinic, browse these options to find the clinic in your community. With your CIHIP coverage you have access to the Preferred Provider Network (PPN). This is a network of medical practitioners available to international students in Ontario. When you visit these preferred providers, you will not have to pay them directly for their services that are covered in your plan. The clinic/doctor will bill the insurance company directly. 


Unlike some countries, hospitals are for serious emergencies only; not minor ailments (such as a cold/flu). If you must go to the hospital, be sure to take your CIHIP card with you. The hospital will usually give you an invoice for your care/treatment/stay that must be paid within a certain timeframe (usually within 30 days of your visit). Read here to find out how to access emergency support within your community

Mental health & counselling

It is essential to look after both your mental and physical health. In addition to the many on-campus mental health/counselling supports, there are free community services that offer students access to confidential counselling and other mental health supports. Reach out to Good2Talk, a student helpline, for 24/7 mental health support by calling 1-866-925-5454, connect through 2-1-1, or visit their website