Local transit & bus passes
All campus cities have excellent networks of safe, reliable and convenient public transit systems. Most students use a local transit pass as it is an affordable way to commute to Conestoga College. There are different transit passes for students at each campus.
Local transit
Public transit by city
For details on public transit and bus passes, please visit Public transit.
College shuttle service
CSI provides a complimentary shuttle service for Conestoga students, faculty, and staff. For more information, please visit The CSI Shuttle.
Driving and parking
If you would like to drive in Canada, please note that a valid driver’s licence is required by law to drive a car or other motor vehicle.
International Driver’s Permit + foreign driver’s licence
If you have a valid driver's licence from your home country and plan on driving in Ontario, you will need an International Driver’s Permit (IDP) from your own country. You need to have this permit with you when you arrive in Ontario. You cannot apply for one after you have arrived in Canada.
Ontario driver’s licence
If you do not have a driver’s licence from your home country, to legally drive a car in Canada, you will need a driver’s licence issued by the government of Ontario. You must have it with you whenever you are driving. With it, you can drive anywhere in Canada. The process to get a driver’s licence in Ontario can be found on the Ministry of Transportation’s website.
In order to drive in Canada, you must purchase car insurance. This is not included in your tuition at Conestoga. For more information, please refer to Car insurance on the Government of Canada website.
Parking at Conestoga
A parking pass or permit is required to park on campus. Visit Parking & transportation for more information.